Chapter 12 :

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"Well, looks like your exactly 4 weeks

pregnant. Congratulations!" Doctor

Sutton said.

"I just can't believe I am." I said.

"Do you know what we having?" Jay


"It's too early to tell right now. When

she's about 18-20 weeks we'll find out."

She said.

"That's a long ass ti-."

"Jay, be kind damn." I cut him off.

"Its okay, the men usually are more

excited than the girls." She said.

I laugh, "I'm excited, but I'm shocked."

I said.

"You will get use to it. Now it's time to

watch what you eat. Start eating

healthy foods, your eating for two now.

And try not to wear tight pants. You

might want to go shopping for

maternity clothes." She said.

"Can I sleep on my back?" I asked.

"That is the number one question

beginners ask. Never sleep on your

stomach. You can sleep on your back

just try not to. Your sides are the best

to sleep on. You can get great body

pillows at some stores that will help

keep you comfortable and able to sleep

through the night." She said.

"I hate being pregnant already." I said.

"That's why I'm here." Jay said.

He kissed me and helped me get up.

Dr.Sutton hands me a pamphlet.

"If you have anymore questions just

call me." She said.

"Okay, Thankyou so much." I said.

"See you two in weeks!" She waved as

we walked out the door.

"I can't believe we finna be somebody's

parents." I said.

"Shit me neither but I'm happy." Jay


"I am too. It's just I wanted to wait til I

had the right lifestyle." I said.

"You just talking. We all gone be good."

He said.

"I hope so." I replied.

We got in the car and drove to


"Can I take your order." A lady said

from the speaker.

"Holon." Jay told her.

"Whatchu want?" He asked me.

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