Chapter 2

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   Zac’s POV.

We were walking to the beach I stood in the middle of the two girls, I noticed Remmi dropped back, she was on the phone to her mum. I lightly gripped Ems wrist signalling her to stop and wait. I didn’t even notice the words coming out of Remmi’s mouth I just listened to the beautiful sound, it was like I was in a trance until I got a little shoulder barge from Emily. Remmi had finished her conversation with her mum, we carried on walking we got there in about 10 minutes. Emily went to go and get us all a drink and food whilst me and Remmi laid down some beach towels. Remmi walked behind me. I felt her hand move across my bum my eye brow raised.

“Did you just touch my arse!?” I asked whilst slightly laughing to myself.

“Yeah, I didn’t think you noticed but clearly you did, sorry about that.” She laughed which instantly made me smile and laugh along with her.

“Don’t worry about it, I wasn’t complaining.” I raised an eyebrow to show I was joking. I noticed the playful look on her beautiful face.

He laughed to herself Emily was taking a long time it had been about half an hour, I was beginning to think she got lost.

Remmi’s POV.

I could feel myself blushing as soon as he raised his sexy eyebrow. I could tell he was slightly flirting but I didn’t take any notice to flirt back, I didn’t want to scare him away. Emily cam wondering down the beach skipping with some tall curly haired boy. Don’t get me wrong he was very attractive, I noticed him from somewhere and then it hit me! OMG its Harry from one direction!

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner Remmi but I didn’t want anyone meddling in the first few months of our relationship and now felt like the right time to introduce you to my sex god boyfriend.” She laughed sarcastically nudging Harry.

I notice Zac did not look impressed he looked like he was going to punch the tall boy. I couldn’t keep my eyes of Zac. His jaw tensed and his hands turned into fists.

“It’s okay Em, I’m happy for you, I just wish you had told me I think we both know that I wouldn’t meddle in anything of yours.”

“I wasn’t aiming it at you.” She laughed to herself.

“OMG, is that why I found that pregnancy test in my bin!?” I was obviously joking. I have no idea how I was this funny!

Everything went silent. It all of a sudden became very intense and awkward.

I see Zac from the corner of my eye as he moved towards the couple in front of me. Emily edged herself forward in front of the tall light skinned boy, I seen his arm tense around Emily’s wrist, clearly not wanting to argue with Emily’s family. Annoyance covered Emily’s features as she glared at her brother that was edging closer to her.

“She’s joking you twat” Emily looked to her brother with disappointment. Now I felt bad, I had made the pair argue within ten seconds of Zac meeting her new boyfriend. Harry relaxed as Emily’s words clearly calmed him down. Zac still stood slightly in front of me, his expression seemed to relax slightly as I grabbed his wrist and tugged him back slightly.

“Who wants food?” Emily changed the subject too try and distract from the tension between the four of us. I pulled the chips from Emily’s hands, we sat in a circle, whilst I questioned Harry on everything about one direction. Zac sat silently the entire time, his crystal blue eyes made contact with mine every so often warning me not to question him further. Fuck it, since when is Zac Efron the boss of me?

“Is Louis still with Eleanor?” I questioned

“Erm, no. She didn’t cope very well with the fame. She got quite a bit of hate from our ‘fans’. Why?” Harry asked me clearly, to try and change the subject from himself.

“Might get me a bit of that” I laughed, Harry let out what sounded like a chuckle. It was then I felt the blanket shift from under me as Zac stood from the blanket and strode off in the opposite direction of the car park. I shifted my body to follow the tall frame with my eyes, I began to move on the blanket as if to stand up from the sand covered floor.

“Leave him. I’ll go” Emily sounded serious as she stared after her brother.

“Erm, okay” Emily hoisted her body from the warmth of Harry’s lap, she adjusted her shorts as she stood. Emily paced in the same direction her brother was slowly disappearing in. Her blouse flew behind her as she walked away from where Harry and I sat. Emily began to lightly jog towards her brother, kicking small grains of sand behind her as she ran.

Emily’s POV  

 “Well are you going to slow down?” I screamed at the boy’s body that paced away from me. The tall, toned frame of my brother halted at my words. Okay, now I was angry with him. He had the cheek to walk away from my best friend, boyfriend and me! Little bastard.

“Just leave me alone!” Zac shouted back at me. Who was he shouting at?

“You, I am shouting at you” he answered. Crap, did I just say that out loud?

“Don’t walk away from us! You need to sort yourself out! You have been mardy ever since I introduced you to Harry! And what? Then Rem mentions Louis, you storm off. What is that? You are pathetic” I felt like a bitch as the words tumbled from my mouth, I couldn’t stop what I was saying. His face became stricken with anger, it hade became clear I had hit a nerve somewhere in my little speech.

“It doesn’t matter” Zac’s voice became soft as he tried to avoid my question. His eyes drifted from mine to the floor looking at his shoes. I could see that he was getting upset I wonder what I said that made him just stop.

“I have clearly just upset you, and it wasn’t at the pathetic comment I said!”

“I fucking like her okay! And whilst I’m sat there thinking about her, she banging on about smashing another lad and I’m supposed to sit there and listen to her. The girl I fell for and have felt something since she was 15!? Is that what you want to hear! Are you happy now!?

My jaw drops a little. I’m completely speechless. I see Zac continuing on his little tantrum as he carries on walking away.

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