Chapter 8

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Remmi's pov-

"Lets play a game?" I ask knowing exsacally what I have in mind.

"What kind of game? I like games, there fun.Will there be a prize what do I get?"A very exsited Louis asks to many questions very quickly.

"A pranking game, we all play pranks on each other, the person who gets scared the most has to babysit my little sister Ruby in a few days?"I tell them my play no sure weather I trust them with the little girl that is my life but they could bring her with us right just attend to her every need. Yeah I could do that.

"I like it I wanna play. I didnt even know you had a sister but well yeah I wanna play anyway."Yep Louis is deffonatly a child at heart.

"okay, we start tomorrow, but for now fancey a sneeky little game of truth or dare?"Emily asks as shes allways up for a little drinking game.

"YAY, someone other then me asking for a change.ILOVEYOU!" The loudness of Louis is actually starting to annoy me now.


"I wanna start,Liam truth or dare?" Niall questions the buzzcut boy.


"Why are actually afraid of spoons?" Liams cheeks redden from embarassment from the fear he owns.

"Im not afraid I just dont like them there unnaturall whats the point in them, there just weird I dont understand them and they freak me out you no normal stuff." Liam starts to ramble, really spoons?

"Emily truth or dare?"

"dare?" Her answer sounds more like a questions as she realises what she would be getting into.

"I dare you, to let little Niller hear to do the milk challange right now." Lame dare Emily likes milk!

"Easy Li."

I watch as my best friend gets up to get her and the Irish boy 3leiters of milk each, they smirk at one another as Zayn gets his phone out to record everything. I tell everyone to go outside because im not cleaning up milky sick.EW. Emily chugs down 2 or her 3 leiters in one Niall half way through his 3rd. He stops. Yep after seeing what just came out of the boy im glad I made them leave. He carrys on bringing back the dairy substance for a few more minuits as Emily screaches in triumph without throwing up, I kinda new she was going to do it. Niall comes inside feeling fine since he raided my kitchin.

Emilys pov-

"Remmi, truth or dare." I ask my bestfriend smirking as I know she will pick dare.

"dare, give me your best brah!" She raises an eyebrow at me as I wait to inlighten her in my brilliant dare.

"I dare you to.....kiss Zac ...on the lips." Well may aswell help him out with girl hes crushing on, yes this is going be weird seeing my bestfriend kiss my brother...well he ows my now.

My bestfriend eyes go wide and her jaw quit litrally nearly hits the floor, shes so gonna get me back for this. She crawls across the floor to a stunned Zac mimiking her first exsoression.

Zac's POV

She shes coming close, I wonder what the dare would be if i hadnt told Em im basically in love with her bestfriend. humm maybe it would be the same, better for me then her kissing someone else infront of me right?

I snap out of my throughts as Remmi leans in closer I find myself leaning in to,I notice the volts fligh through my lips as her soft plump once meet mine, the feeling is indescriable. Do you know that feeling when they girl you're crushing on is kissing you I can tell she enjoys it to because she smiles and giggles a little into the kiss, I never really thought of her as the giggling type but it sounded cute, both sets of lips move with passtion and heat as somone coughs removing myself from my own world.

"Get a room!" the blond Irish boy yells Nial?Niall? Niall yep Niall.

Prick runing my moment.

Remmi appologises and sends me a smile, I instantly smile back and quietly laugh to myself. Seeing her smile makes me happy, its like has the most perfect smile in the world, she says she dosnt like her smile because she dosnt like her teeth, the bottom 2 are slightly overlapped same as the top 2 but it isnt noticable but I guess shes allways going tp know its there. I think everything about her is perfect. She just dosnt believe it.

The girl blushes as I realise everyone is watching me stare at her. well isnt this cosey.

The game finishes up with Harry eating Emilys face, I could have punched him. I ate a raw egg, Liam had to do a twitcam acting as vain as Zayn, Remmi had to eat cream from Louis face again could have punched another member of one direction, Zayn had to prank call his mum. Louis had to have this Larry Stylinson make out sesh, I knew they were gay from when they first stept foot in the house.

Remmi's POV-

I wanna start my pranking now seen as its past midnight its classed as the next day, I wanna start with Zayn for makinf me eat cream of Louis infront of Zac, I know what im gonna so and ask Em to come with, we sneek into the Zayns room hes staying in one of my many guess rooms so its my room really, we walk to the bath room where there is more hair products on the side then there is in Boots. We quitely place the producs into a bag and take every single mirror out of the room apparts from once, we decide to waste it and colour it in with black permo pen, just to piss him of even more I replace his face cream with foot cream. What can I say mean girls is and inspierable film.

We close the door and run to the kitchin and hid his tresure under the sink eventually we will give them back but not for while unless her finds them.

"Remmi, hes going to flip, I will not be resoponceable for his actions." Emily whisper shouts at me, ah im sure he will live.

"it's fine go bed." and with that she walked away to go bed next to her love boy.

I decide i wanna play another prank before i go bed, whilst im in the kitchin I decide to get Liam over and done with as I feel sorry for him, his is simple and ver predictable. Spoons.

I walk to the cabinate and take out every spoon I own big ones really big ones small once normal ones just lots of spoons. I make my way to his room and notice hes full on sprwalled out on the bed. awe cute.

I place the soons everywhere like in his shoes round his body in his hands down his trouders, just everywhere I cant wait till he wakes up.

Feeling rather tired I walk to my room, theres a lump in my bed I walk closer and notice the blonde in my bed asleep not for long.

"Niall, what are doing in here?" I shake the boy alittle as he opens his eyes to meet my own.

"Sorry I had a nightmare and your room was next to mine, I waited till you got back but well I tried I was going to ask if I could stay with you tonight please?" the bright blue eyed beauty looks at me with the puppy dog face you just cant say no to that face.

"Okay but, make sure you're wearing pants and I dont want you to breath to close to me, I hate the feeling of people's hot breath on me it freaks me out okay?" I sigh giving into him.

"ew your wierd but yes, thankyou im just gonna go grab some pants then miss.picky." Niall runs to fetch some pants from him room but soons comes back for a little cuddle.

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