Kentucky (not fried chicken)

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"Come on, Kentucky! You have to meet everyone. You'll love them, I promise!"

Kentucky was the 15th state admitted to the union, in 1792.

America led him into the house by one arm. In the entryway there were three states, looking so friendly it was almost creepy.

"This is North and South Carolina, and Georgia."

They also looked to be capable of murder.

"This is Pennsylvania."

"This is New York."

He was a bit less friendly than the others.

"This is Virginia."

"This is D.C."

"This is Delaware."

"This is New Jersey."

Same sentiment as New York.

"This is Maryland. I can't seem to find the other five, so I guess you'll meet them later."

It was nearly three hours later when Kentucky walked into the living room to find five unfamiliar states staring at him. He supposed this must be... 'New England.' Virginia had told him to be cautious around them, but he wasn't sure why. After all, they seemed about as capable of murder as the rest. The reason for Ginia's warning, however, made itself clear just moments later.

"Um... Hi! I'm Kentucky. I'm the... new state. You must be the New England states. Virginia... told me about you."

They said nothing, instead continuing to stare.

"So, what... are... your... names?"

At this point, 'New England' sideyed each other.

"You smile too much."

It was a remark from the tallest. His face showed zero emotion.


"Why do you want to talk to us?" said one building a model ship.

"I mean... we're living in the same house. We're practically siblings. We should probably talk."

"I don't see why we have to. Can't you just ignore us and leave us in peace?" said one who looked like he had a lot of horse and buggy traffic.

"That wouldn't be very friendly of me."

"We wouldn't mind, I promise." said the one who was inspecting a glass bottle full of maple syrup.

"I would."

"Well, that's your problem, isn't it?" said the shortest.

"So like... can you guys all read each other's minds or something? Because you keep responding almost like I'm talking to one person."

They simply stared at him and returned to what they were doing.

This was beginning to get on Kentucky's nerves. Sure, New York and New Jersey hadn't been the friendliest, but they had had the decency to introduce themselves. These five acted like he was some sort of oddity every time he tried to be nice to them. They stared at him when they didn't feel like responding. That was very odd behavior.

Kentucky supposed he should ask America what was going on. Maybe there was some sort of event happening right now that was making them act like this.


He knocked on the door to his (father?)'s study.

"Come in."

"I met New England."

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