Selfies and Consequences

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"See you later, Al." Piper said, kissing her prison wife before opening the front door of their small studio apartment in Ohio. "You'll have to tell me if you find anything interesting today."

It had been a month since Alex had gotten out of prison. A month of living under the same roof as the love of her life. A month of sharing bed sheets and having endless nights without having to worry about their privacy or getting caught.

Alex was able to get a job at a fast food restaurant (yeah, not her ideal job choice) meanwhile she looked for other jobs. Though she was thankful she was hired at the fast food because usually nobody wanted to hire an ex-con, and she needed to have a job if she didn't want her parole officer to file a report on her. Thankfully, her parole had just ended the prior week, allowing her to have a little more liberty in certain aspects.

On her free days, she went to job interviews or looked for places where they were hiring. Maybe, just maybe, she could win them over with her charming personality and charisma, just as she had done when she was interviewed for her current job.

"Of course, Pipes." Alex pulled Piper closer, placing her hands around her waist. "Have fun at work today, babe." She gave her a small peck on the lips. The both of them smiled as Piper left the place they now called home.

Alex now found herself staring at the door, like a puppy waiting for its owner to come back. She sat by the kitchen counter and grabbed her phone and a block of post-its, ready to do what she did every single Thursday: scroll through the internet endlessly just for the small chance of finding a job that actually interested her.

She looked and looked, but if she was being honest to herself, she didn't even know what she was looking for. She knew she was good at sales. But of course, they wouldn't hire a former drug dealer, which was her only experience. So she was left with the boring choices which didn't pay very well.

An hour or two later, she decided to take a walk and get some fresh air, and perhaps get a hotdog or something while she was at it.

Walking through parks, or small forests with hidden lakes around, was something she learned to appreciate now that she was out of prison. Every time she found herself taking a stroll through nature, she was reminded of Piper, and how much she loved running when they were locked up; how she always used to say that fresh air and physical activity outdoors were great for mental health. And Alex could now see why she insisted so much on it. It was now one of her favorite things to do whenever she was feeling down.

She took a picture of the trees and sent it to Piper.

Alex: *photo* Reminded me of you. ❤️

Piper: Alex!! That is so cute!

Piper: Now send me a pic of you

Alex laughed. Of course Piper wanted her to send a selfie. She loved having selfies of Alex to put as her lock screen. Every week there was a new picture of Alex showing on Piper's phone. And Alex always insisted she put a photo with the both of them, but Piper said she only wanted to look at Alex.

She placed her phone at a higher angle in order to take a selfie, making sure the trees were shown as well.

Alex: *photo* Here. But if I see this as your lock screen, you will be punished.

Piper: Too late! *screenshot of her lockscreen, showing Alex's selfie*

Alex: Watch your back, babe.

Smiling, Alex now resumed her walk, looking for a bench to sit on to eat the hotdog she had bought. She was too lazy to actually go eat lunch somewhere else. But eating by herself surrounded by trees and chirping birds was actually not that bad. The only thing that would make the setting better, was if Piper was sitting by her side, rambling about things that made no sense, which Alex had always found very cute.

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