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Chapter 56: Deceived

It wasn't just her; Zhou Chengkang was also extremely surprised. "This money is to pay off the debt. If you pay it back earlier, those people won't rush you, so you don't need to worry."

Two people's relationship, no matter how good, could hurt feelings if money was involved.

Mrs. Zhou had owed them money for more than a year now, and their hearts would be uncomfortable in this situation. In some cases, if they talked bluntly about it, Mrs. Zhou would also be hurt.

After a pause, he added, "This is what Qinghe has agreed to."

Mrs. Zhou sighed. "Although I understand, I cannot take this silver. I cannot have you all feel sorry for me, and ask you to help me. I gave birth to four sons; you are not the only one. If I were to take it, all of them would have to give some to me..."

Outside, the rain was getting stronger. Mrs. Zhou lowered her voice. "I have already completely paid off my debts, so there is no need for you to worry about me. I can still get by, living with the fifth child."

That was good.

It was much better to work in the field for some food and to make ends meet without getting into debt. After eating dinner, Mrs. Zhou left. She also took two more buns home so that the fifth sister would not have to cook dinner.

As Mrs. Zhou was leaving, she remembered something. "My fifth child said that the marriage should be put off to later, and same for you."

Li Qinghe responded smoothly, "Yes, she is still young. We can discuss the wedding next year."

While thinking for a moment, Mrs. Zhou noticed the rain outside was increasing and waved her hand. "It's raining so hard, you don't need to send me away. As long as you guys are fine, I'll be relieved."

As soon as she had finished speaking, she dashed into the rain.

It rained for half a month, and during the winter there was snow mixed in. The winter had come early this year, and it was extremely cold. Every day, after finishing feeding the fish, they took care of the chickens. The chicks gradually emerged from their shells at the end of October. During that time, it was freezing and windy outside. Li Qinghe even lit a brazier for them. Several hens brought the chicks regularly to the brazier, and they sat near it without moving. Fewer chicks died of premature death.

Little Rhubarb's leg gradually recovered from its injury. Although he limped a little at first, he seemed much more normal these days, which was evidence that Zhou Chengkang's bone restoration procedure worked. They spent each day peacefully and quietly, and after the weather got cold, Mrs. Zhou didn't come over very often.

That afternoon, someone knocked on the door again. The rain had stopped earlier in the morning, but it was still cold. Zhou Chengkang went to open the door. The person who had knocked at the door was Mrs. Qian, which was surprising.

Mrs. Qian was wrapped up in a thick sweater and she seemed a little uncomfortable. "Qinghe, I have to ask you something."

Li Qinghe raised her eyebrow. Without a doubt, she knew it would be about Zhao Wanwan. Since it had been so long since she had asked, Mrs. Qian must have thought that she could dig into it.

"You told me you saw Wanwan. How's she doing now?" Mrs. Qian lowered her head after speaking. "In the past...... she might have gone a bit too far, but don't take it personally."

She was angry. As long as Mrs. Qian and Li Fu lived together, Li Qinghe couldn't be bothered, since eventually, it would be her father that would be tossed around, so why bother?

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