Chapter 116-120

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Chapter 116: Disposal

As soon as they heard it, they were both taken aback but also somewhat unsurprised. Those individuals never gave off a good vibe from the start, so it seemed only natural that they had served time in prison.

Zhou Chengkang inquired once more, "What led to your imprisonment? Did you end up in the clink together?"

"No," the person saw the stick in Chengkang's hand and promptly replied, "Some of them were bandits that were captured, and they just stood aside to cheer. I just stole something and got in there, and happened to come out the same day as them. I heard from the Third Brother that there was a place to go where there would be food, so I followed him here."

The Third Brother he mentioned should be that guy named Sangou. "How did Sangou know to come to our village?" Zhou Chengkang asked.

"We met the father and son of the Yang family who happened to live next door, and they picked us up from the county."

The father and son from the Yang family?

Those who could be released shouldn't be the worst of the worst, like Zhao Tianfu, who was sentenced to over ten years for breaking into someone's house. These people were all quite young and should be petty thieves. Li Qinghe frowned, "You're used to stealing and committing petty crimes. Why would you be willing to help them with their work?"

"The narrative we were fed prior to our arrival here was quite different. Third Brother said that the Yang family's father and son had deceived him. They promised to pick us up and help us seek refuge, but we didn't expect the Xu family to trick us. They claimed that all they required was our assistance and discretion, but it turned out they were exploiting our labor. They're tightwads who wouldn't even deign to offer us meat for half a year, yet now they want us to work for them. The Third Brother pledged to liberate us, but once we arrived, we found ourselves trapped. The Xu kid threatened to accuse us of theft if we dared to flee. We've all been to jail, so if anyone accuses us of stealing, outsiders will believe it without question. It's a filthy business, and it's difficult to explain. He accused us of being thieves, so we couldn't let them accuse us falsely..."

"So, you came here to steal."

The Yang family was particularly fond of taking advantage of situations and was willing to do anything for free labor.

They're not afraid of backfire when threatening these people.

In fact, during their previous visit to Li Qingsong's house, it was evident that these people were not pleased with the Xu family. However, when it came to a real dispute, Sangou would compromise, seemingly apprehensive of something.

"Now you've really stolen something. If I don't take you to the mayor, I won't be able to sleep at night." Zhou Chengkang threw away his stick. "I'll take you there at dawn. By the way, how many people did you plan to steal last night?"

"Not many, just the Yu family behind us." The man seemed quite disappointed. "We've heard that your two families are wealthy, but the Yang family's wealth is only superficial. They look generous, but they're actually the most stingy... It's been so long, and they haven't even given us a piece of meat to eat."

He gritted his teeth and said, "If I ever come across the Yang's father and son again, I won't let them go. And Zhao Tianfu, that motherf***er definitely received some benefits. He testified that the Yang family was wealthy and benevolent, and deceived us miserably."

Li Qinghe kindly reminded him, "You guys are going back now, you will definitely run into them." When that happens, you have to give them a good beating.

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