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Chapter 1.

Tw: mentions of eating disorders

May 15, 1966, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Ya no puedo mas. Ya tengo que salirme de este infierno que es, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Detrás de todas las hermosas playas, montañas, y edificios; existe la pobreza, un gobierno corrupto, y la violencia.
//I can not do this anymore. I have to escape this hell that is, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Behind all the beautiful beaches, mountains, and buildings; there is poverty, a corrupt government, and violence.//

Jamás quisiera dejar el hogar que es mi casa, donde vive mi mamá, mi papá, y mi hermana menor, pero tengo que ser la primera de mi generación en conseguir mi carrera propia. Lo que siempre querido lograr es ser diseñadora, tal vez de moda.
//I would never want to leave the place I call home, where my mother, my father, and my younger sister live, but I must be the first of my generation to achieve a career of my own. What I wanted to achieve is becoming a designer, maybe of clothes.//

In the midst of the world of poverty of Buenos Aires, deep in the villa mísera, also known as the misery village lives the beautiful, 21 year old Elena Cervantes. She is a slender woman with very attractive features; dark brown eyes with a cat like stare, long - voluminous brown locks, full lips, and a button nose.

With Elena's beauty comes unfortunate, grave consequences. Her mother, Mercedes, has always wanted her to be the beautiful child of the family, making sure that she was perfect. If Elena barely had any weight, she was too skinny, if Elena had a little bit of a belly, she was too fat.

Elena forces herself to eat very little. Once it feels like it's too much, she'll throw it all up, only to keep her slender figure. All Elena has ever wanted is to make her mother proud.

It was a rainy afternoon in the villa miseria, the roofs and walls were leaking due to the creaks in the concrete. Very humid weather which meant more air conditioning was needed. Unfortunately for the Cervantes family, there was no such thing.

"Elena! Vos venga y ayúdame con los trastes!" //Elena! come and help me with the dishes!// Calls Mrs. Cervantes from the kitchen where she was scrubbing the dirty dishes from making dinner, using an old, dirty wet rag she's carried since they've first lived in this home.

Elena walks over from her bedroom, feeling woozy as she makes her way to the kitchen sinks where her mother was. Mercedes darts her eyes down at Elena's body as she walks in.

"Mija vos esta demasiado flaca. Eres todo piel y hueso." //Sweetheart, you're way too skinny. You're all skin and bones.// Says Mrs. Cervantes disapprovingly before turning back to focus on scrubbing dishes, and instructs Elena to start drying and putting up the clean ones.

Elena loved her family dearly, both her mother and father have provided with very little that they have. However, Elena wishes her mother could treat her differently, not pressure her to maintain the "perfect figure" she thinks it is. Maybe start supporting her dreams a lot more.

The front door creaks open, Elena's younger sister, Emma comes home from public school. Behind her comes in Elena's father, Antonio, who went to go pick up his youngest daughter after work. Antonio works a dead end job as a miner, however gets paid very little. No coal means no money to provide.

"Madre, padre, me gustaría proponerles algo." //Mother, father, I would like to propose something to you both."Says Elena after putting away the last plate in the cabinet.

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