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Chapter 2.

Tw: Racism

Cuánto tiempo faltará para llegar? Han sido casi quince horas y siento como que este viaje nunca terminará. Tal vez dormir un rato ayudara en acelerar este viaje. //How long will it take to get there? It's been almost fifteen hours and I feel like this trip will never end. Maybe falling asleep for a while will help to speed this trip up.//

After about two more hours, the train whistle blares loudly. Elena begins to stir awake in her seat, and manages to hear the conductor's announcement. "Atención a todos los pasajeros! Les habla su conductor. Hemos entrado al Reino Unido, y llegaremos a Heathrow en breve. Gracias por confiar en San Martín." //Attention all passengers! This is your conductor speaking. We have entered to the United Kingdom, and will be arriving at Heathrow shortly. Thank you for trusting San Martín.//

Elena looks out the window, the skies above her were painted grey, the greenish yellow vegetation in the background adding to it's charm. A complete difference from the tropical landscape in Argentina. However, this kind of landscape was beautiful to Elena.

In about 15 more minutes the train finally arrives to a station, it looked huge. Elena couldn't believe it. She was only minutes away to being in London.

One by one, each of the passengers hop off. Elena was the last, thanking the conductor on her way down. Once she finally walks down the set of steps, she makes her way through the terminal gate. She looks around, unsure of where to go to get to London.

Ahora si me arrepiento en no haber tomado esos clases de inglés.. //Now I regret not having taken those English classes..//

Elena really had no choice but to try to ask the locals for some help. She decides to walk up to this older woman first. She seemed to be with her husband.

"Discúlpame. Podré tomarle un poco de.." //Excuse me. Can I borrow some..// Elena was cut off as the woman tells her to "fuck off."

Elena's eyebrows furrow. Even though she knew no English, she knew a rude comment when she heard it.

With a long sigh she decides to find help elsewhere. Unfortunately, Elena could not find any luck. Everyone was rather rude to her, either scoffed at her, or insulted her.

"Piss off, you wanker! Can't you see we only speak English here." Says an older English man.

At this point Elena was hopeless. She had no choice but to find a way to get to London on her own. She makes her way out of the station, finds a lot of different cabs outside.

With hope, she walks up to one of the cabs that had their windows down.

"Discúlpame.." //Excuse me..// Elena speaks up and trails off mid sentence, expecting to be shunned away.

"En que le puedo ayudar señorita?" //How can I help you, Miss?// Says the young man in the cab.

Elena's eyes immediately light up to finally hear a Spanish speaker. She's quick to ask for a ride to London, in which he accepts to give her. The young man then helps Elena put her bags into the trunk, except her purse which she always carries in her lap.

"Y de donde vos viene nena?" //And where do you come from girl?// Asks the cab driver as he starts driving toward London with Elena in the passengers seat.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21 ⏰

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