Hard working Levi

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Hard Working Levi

Plot: Levi works very hard at the dojo of his martial arts class and never seems to have a break at all from working. Wonder if Liz will get his attention and drag him away from his work for awhile? Maybe for the rest of the day? Let's see what happens to the humanity's strongest from overworking himself while his girlfriend sits there worried of him.

On to the story.

Normal Pov/Liz's Pov

Saturday morning, 8:00clk am.
I was sleeping so peacefully through the night then morning came by. My eyes open as got out of bed then notice I didn't notice Levi around. It sucks that he often stays up late doing his work and not take breaks. Or at least rest for awhile then later keep working. Take breaks.

'He told me that when I got off from spring break now summer vacation? God Levi why do this to yourself.'

I thought to myself as fix my messy hair up before leaving the room. I walk out as shut the door then walk down the hall to Levi's study. The poor thing won't rest until everything is finish. I feel bad for him. I finally reach his study then open the door quietly as possible not to disturb him.

"Hey Le-"

my eyes landed on a sleeping Levi facepalm on his desk. He must be exhausted from all the work he has done.

"You moron..."

mumble to myself then got a blanket out of the closet near by and put it over him.

"You gotta take a break sometimes. I don't like it when you push yourself like this. You told me not to push myself through my studies."

I wrap my arm around his waist then pull him away from the chair as walk out to towards the bedroom then lay him flat on the bed.

"Rest now Levi."

reading his face expression he open his eyes as look towards me

"Let me finish my work damit.."

He mumble out a bit then reach out to me and pull me down towards the bed.

"no.." I said as almost spoke into a whisper to him


My eyes wonder up to his as my voice came to a serious tone

"I said no. You need to rest."

then added on

"You worked all these past nights and..."

I stop myself there and look away from him. I could scent that he was looking down right at me with concern. If only he knew I worried about him and show that I care also about his health and him. My mind was questioning all of these until Levi cut me off when he spoke

"and? Tell me."

Now I'm stuck and my throat felt dry as I try to speak

"I'm worried about you Levi..."

That was said as turn my back on him and not facing him.


He spoke to me as started to stroke my hair


I stood quite not bother to answer him as some of hair fell in front of myself

"Liz talk to me..."

he wrap his arms around me as brought me closer to him. I felt like crying but fought the tears that were pouring out bit by bit.

"I'm not going to yell at you if that's what you're wondering."

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