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The black Mesa incident was not contained. It had far reaching consequences. Portals didnt just open in black mesa, they opened up world wide. Creatures from Xen began spilling into our world. And across the world, these massive portals formed into super portals, They were known as portal storms.

This image is of paris, a portal storm had formed over the major city and many others across the world.

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This image is of South Australia as a portal storm ravages over the outback.

This image is of South Australia as a portal storm ravages over the outback

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At first the issue was the creatures from xen. Especially the headcrabs as humans were perfect hosts for them. The Vortigaunts at first were also an issue. But eventually it was discovered... one Vortigaunt spoke english. This Vortigaunt claimed to have interacted with 'The one Free man.' In xen and was able to get English. A pact was made, the Vortigaunts became our allies.

With our new allies... we discovered the creatures from xen werent invading... they were running... from them...

The Combine, an interdimensional empire, seized this moment of vulnerability. They descended upon Earth with advanced technology and overwhelming force, subjugating humanity in what became known as the Seven Hour War. In just seven hours, the resistance crumbled, and six billion lives were lost.

 In just seven hours, the resistance crumbled, and six billion lives were lost

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