Chapter 11: Follow Freeman!

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The rooftop provided a strategic vantage point, offering a clear view of the sprawling courtyard below and the imposing structure of the Overwatch Nexus. Gordon, Barney, and the rebel squad took cover behind various structures, surveying the area in anticipation of Alyx's arrival with the main attack force.

Barney, his eyes scanning the surroundings, leaned in to share additional details with Gordon. "We've got squads stationed on adjacent rooftops. Once Alyx arrives, we'll synchronize our movements and hit the Nexus from multiple directions. The distraction will buy us some time to secure a foothold and plan our assault on the Citadel."

As the minutes passed, the distant echoes of gunfire and explosions reverberated through the air, indicating the ongoing skirmishes between the rebels and Combine forces scattered throughout the city

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As the minutes passed, the distant echoes of gunfire and explosions reverberated through the air, indicating the ongoing skirmishes between the rebels and Combine forces scattered throughout the city. The rebels on the rooftop maintained a vigilant watch, their weapons at the ready, while Gordon, standing beside Barney, prepared for the imminent arrival of Alyx and the main force.

The familiar sound of gunfire and distant explosions gradually shifted, and soon the rhythmic thud of approaching footsteps signaled the arrival of Alyx Vance. She emerged onto the rooftop, flanked by a contingent of heavily armed rebels. Alyx's expression bore a mix of determination and concern as she took in the sight of the Overwatch Nexus.

Alyx smiled and walked over to Gordon, she leaned her body against him slightly as if she was a bit tired. "Dr. Kleiner is safe."

Barney, stepping forward, exchanged a quick nod with Alyx. "Gordon, this is it. Once we initiate the attack, we'll need you to lead the charge. The main entrance of the Nexus is heavily guarded, but we've got a plan to breach it. Alyx will fill you in on the details."

Alyx, acknowledging the plan, turned to Gordon. "Gordon, we've got explosive charges to breach the main entrance. Once we create an opening, you'll need to push through with the squad. The Combine won't know what hit them."

The rebels, fueled by a shared sense of purpose, prepared for the assault on the Overwatch Nexus. Gordon, his gravity gun at the ready, felt the weight of the impending battle. The courtyard below teemed with Combine soldiers, their presence a stark reminder of the challenges that lay ahead.

Barney then began to give orders on the radio. "Alright all teams... prepare for ground assault... rappel teams ready yourself, sewer teams ready charges, prepare for Combine Striders."Gordon hadnt encountered a combine strider yet... so he stayed prepared

Barney's commands echoed through the radio, setting the stage for the impending ground assault on the Overwatch Nexus. Gordon, standing among the rebels on the rooftop, listened intently. The mention of Combine Striders drew his attention, as he had yet to face these formidable war machines.

As the rebels prepared for the assault, Gordon noticed specialized teams gearing up for various tasks. Rappel teams secured their equipment, ready to descend from adjacent rooftops onto the Overwatch Nexus courtyard. Sewer teams, armed with charges, prepared to breach underground entrances for a strategic approach. The anticipation hung in the air, a palpable tension mixing with the distant sounds of ongoing battles throughout the city.

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