CH 1

47 1 0

A fleet of Iron Blood kansen is sailing through the open ocean consisting of 3 destroyers, 2 heavy cruisers, a battleship, and 2 aircraft carriers. They are
Z1 Leberecht Maass
Z2 Georg Thiele
Admiral Hipper
Prinz Eugen
August Von Parseval
The sound of waves can be heard clearly until

Z1: How long are we supposed to sail, Fraulein Tirpitz?

Tirpitz: Just continue sailing

Z1: I'm bored

Z23: When you will ever stop complaining?

Z1: That's just my nature

Jade: Then, do you want to play a game with me, Z1?

Z1: What is it?

Jade: I had a few old planes that needed to be thrown away. Try to shoot them as fast as you can

Z1: Bring it on!

Jade: Alright! Here I go!

Jade launched several Bf109s and Z1 started firing her anti-aircraft gun.

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang

A few of the planes were shot down but one managed to escape

Jade: Hahahahaha. You lost!

Z1: Grrrr. One more time!

Jade: You got it!

Before Jade can launch her aircraft,


Everyone: Huh?!

The single Bf109 was shot down before multiple Siren jets emerged from multiple portals followed by tonnes of Siren ships.

Hipper: Damn it! Now both of you have exposed our location!

Eugen: This is troublesome

Z2: Why do even I have a sister like you?

Z23: *sigh*

August: Should we evade or go through them?

Tirpitz: Z1, Z2, and Z23 will lead the charge followed by Hipper and Eugen. I will provide fire support while August and Jade will use their aircraft!

Everyone: Roger!

Tirpitz: Commerce operation!

The Z destroyer rushes toward the Siren fleet and fires its guns and torpedoes making a breakthrough with Hipper and Eugen shooting at their flanks to avoid encirclement. Tirpitz fires her main obliterating the Siren battleship while Jade launches her Bf109 and Ju87 Stuka and August launches a more sophisticated Me262 fighter jet to regain air superiority. Things were looking great until

1 hour later

Z1: I'm out of torpedoes!

Z23: Same as me!

Z2: Already out half an hour ago

Hipper: Do you girls spam fire your torpedoes?!

Z1: It's effective!

Eugen: The problem right now is we are being surrounded and need a breakthrough

Z23: Where is our aircraft?!

Jade: Please destroy those anti-aircraft cruisers! My Bf109 is being shredded to pieces!

August: My Me262 is not doing well and is being overwhelmed!

Z23: Fraulein Tirpitz! Order?!

Tirpitz: Tch! Send a SOS signal!

Eugen: You sure? Wouldn't our location be exposed to Azur Lane?

Male Carriers of Azur Lane (Azur Lane Fanfiction) [Hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now