Curfew || Gwen Stacy

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"I don't know no right or wrong, a melody without a song"

-Revenant, The Warning

The ghostly whooshing of snowfall could be heard throughout all of New York City. A thin layer of pale frost adorned most everything in sight but was quickly being covered by the white powder that continued to descend through the skies. For a city that was normally loud and bustling, especially during the wintertime, the sole sound being the first snow of winter was an eerie thing to experience.

All around the city, civilians were racing to their homes, ducking inside as the clock on the massive screen in Times Square showed "8:59 PM". Curfew was almost at hand, and every citizen of the city knew better than to be outside when the clock hit 9 PM.

Every citizen except one, that was.

A hand clad in a leathery black substance gripped one of the signature eagle structures that lined the top of the Chrysler Building, the tips of each finger scratching absentmindedly against the metal structure as the hand's owner sat with her head lowered.

Gwen Stacy was on watch, clad in the symbiote suit that had become a part of her now. Her face was currently uncovered, her blonde hair getting tossed about by the wind as her eyes drifted from side to side, keeping a lookout for anything unusual. Although the symbiote's organic nature provided warmth in the cold, it wasn't enough for the extreme cold of a snowy New York night. To counter that, Gwen had gotten a full-length leather coat that matched the symbiote's sleek appearance and bore a silver spider-symbol on its chest that she had painted herself.

The jacket's lower half billowed in the wind as the snow fell past Gwen's face, her attentive, icy eyes still searching for any sign of trouble. For so long, Gwen would have to listen to old police scanners when she was on her usual patrols of New York City. There was far too much noise going on for her to catch isolated incidents that required her attention. However, with everything that had happened over the past month, all that she needed were her ears...

Gwen could still remember where she was the night that the NYPD had stormed Oscorp's main tower, having been tipped off about something rather sinister. But she didn't remember that night because of that historic event... she remembered it because of the grievous loss she'd suffered that day.

Gwen had heard about the incident at Oscorp Tower the next morning. Somehow, the police been driven back by the R&D giant's forces of highly-trained soldiers. While the general public was absolutely stunned to hear that Oscorp had military forces of its own, it came as no surprise to Gwen... she'd encountered them twice before, once when they stormed Octavius Industries and were driven back by Gwen, and another time when they'd prevented her from killing the Prowler.

Speaking of the Prowler, he'd stepped back into the spotlight as of late, acting as a commanding general of sorts for Oscorp's miniature army. He'd finally recovered from the grievous wound that Gwen had dealt to him, though she felt fairly confident that his testosterone had been greatly reduced.

She continued scanning her head, listening for any police sirens that would stand out in the now-silent city. After living in New York City for eighteen years, seeing it look like a ghost town due to the curfew chilled Gwen to her very core.

How had things gotten here?

After the day that Oscorp had beaten the NYPD-which was now referred to as 'O-Day'-they'd laid some hidden plans of theirs bare: they were on a mission to take control of New York City and establish a true corporatocracy. The past few weeks had been filled with skirmishes between the police and Oscorp popping up here and there, and the city's government officials had pled with state and federal officials to provide support.

Spider-Gwen 3 || The Fallजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें