Didn't Think So || Gwen Stacy

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"With the birds I'll share this lonely view"

-Scar Tissue, The Red Hot Chili Peppers

Time for the fun part of the day.

Of the many recent moments where Gwen couldn't tell whether she or the symbiote was the one in control of her thoughts, this one had to be the signature example. Her signature sarcasm was mixed with the moody tone of the symbiote as she slung web after web through the city, leaving no clarity as to who was in control at the moment.

Unfortunately, Gwen had stopped caring about who was in control.

She swung her legs to continue her momentum, flinging forward as she held onto a line of webbing. Gwen was approaching Miles's apartment, where she was going to have a conversation with him that she really, really did not want to have right now.

When Gwen had resumed her training sessions with Miles, she had done her absolute best to act like the emotional moment between them a month ago-where Miles had made clear his feelings for her were still intact despite her mistakes-had never happened.

But it was clear now that her luck had run out.

We really don't have time for this... Gwen thought to herself, feeling her heart race faster and faster as she came closer and closer to this dramatic moment. She'd had most of the day to think on what she was going to say to him, but no definite answer had come to mind. Gwen couldn't discern how she felt about Miles right now... she couldn't discern how she felt about almost anything these days.

She angled her left arm across her body, twisting herself and firing a web to her right to change her direction. Her form whipped around as she pulled herself along, her coat fluttering from the force of the air as she swung through the city.

At last, the familiar sight of Miles's apartment came into view. From Gwen's position in the air, she could already see him pacing around on the apartment's roof while he waited for her.

Gwen extended her arm and shot a web at the roof. She yanked on it, sending herself flying straight at the roof until she landed on it with a thud, sending a tremor through the roof's material.

Miles was already looking over, pulling his mask off as his chocolate brown eyes gazed at Gwen. He was wearing a puffy winter coat over a new outfit... a black bodysuit with a red spider symbol on his chest, similar to the one he'd spraypainted on a shirt when Gwen had begun to train him.

"New threads?" She asked, studying his suit as Miles nodded. "You've helped me get a grip on most of my powers now, and I figured I'd put something a little more 'official' together." He explained, standing still as Gwen began to walk over to him.

The symbiote bubbled and crawled off of her face, exposing it to Miles as Gwen lowered her black cowl as well. Her wavy blonde tresses tumbled onto her shoulders, standing out from the mostly black attire she wore. Despite her rough appearance-bags under her eyes and slightly chapped lips-Miles's eyes still softened noticeably as he saw her face, just like they'd done time and time again, despite everything...

Gwen eventually felt like she was close enough, slipping her hands into the pocket of her leather coat as she stopped walking. The two stood silently for several moments, the only sensation accompanying the awkward tension being the chilling caress of the winter wind.



"-I, um-"

"-Hi, Gwen."

Spider-Gwen 3 || The FallTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang