Misunderstanding || Gwen Stacy

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"Never really wanted to be number one, just wanted to love everyone"

-Waiting on a War, the Foo Fighters

As Gwen Stacy began to open her eyes, the first thing she noticed was the arguing.

Some fierce debate was raging outside the room she was in... and part of Gwen could've sworn the conversation was being held in two different languages. She recognized two of the voices-Miles and Captain Morales-but there was a woman's voice mixed in there as well, spitting out lines of Spanish that Gwen didn't understand.

She groaned softly, wincing from the exhaustion and soreness that filled her body. As Gwen tried sitting up, she noticed how her bed lacked its usual firmness due to her body sinking into the mattress ever so slightly. Weird... explains the back pain, though-

That's when she realized it wasn't her mattress.

The sudden connection of the dots in Gwen's head made her bleary eyes snap open, absorbing everything she could see immediately. This was Miles's room, she was sure of it... how had she gotten here?

Gwen pressed her hands to her temples, straining to remember what had happened last night... she vaguely remembered sending Miles a text to meet her at a building in front of Oscorp Tower, confessing her realization that she needed help with... well, everything, and then the symbiote had taken over again. She pushed herself to remember what happened... all she kept coming back to was seeing Miles and becoming lucid for a brief moment before passing out.

"¡No puedo creer que no nos lo hayas dicho! ¿Y ahora traes a una CHICA a casa a nuestras espaldas?"

"Miles, do you enjoy pissing your mother off this badly?"

"I'm not-this isn't-it's not what it looks like!!"

"You'd better have an OUT OF THIS WORLD explanation for what's going on here, young man..."

The loud conversing from outside Miles's room drew Gwen's attention, prompting the blonde to awkwardly lean to the side on Miles's bed to look through his bedroom doorway. Outside the room stood Miles, Jeff Morales, and a woman whom Gwen could only assume to be Miles's mother.  

He's still wearing the suit, Gwen realized. They must've just figured out that he's Spider-Man...

Thinking a little bit harder about what his parents must've seen when he'd come home made her eyes widen. WAIT, THEY THOUGHT HE WAS BRINGING ME HERE TO-

The intense heat that flooded Gwen's cheeks forced her to push off his bed and stand up, her brain urging her to somehow rectify the misunderstanding that was at hand. But she wobbled once her feet hit the ground, and her knees buckled due to her exhausted state after having battled the symbiote's hold on her mind once again.

All three members of the Morales family looked over upon hearing Gwen stand up, and Miles's mother immediately quit scolding him and raced over to her.

"Oh, be careful, angelita!!" She said gently, catching Gwen by her shoulders as the young blonde struggled to keep her balance. "I'm Rio Morales, by the way. It's so good to finally meet you."

"I-I'm fine-" Gwen tried to say, but Rio was already leading her to a chair by Miles's desk.

"Please, take a seat!! Do you need anything?" She continued asking, her eyes full of warmth and concern for Gwen. "A glass of water, a snack, anything-"

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