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Author's pov

"Good morning hyung" Taehyung jumped on his tracks due to the sudden greeting. He turned around to see a group of five teenagers behind him

"O-ohh good morning" Taehyung wished them back while bowing and the five boys were quick to bow back

"You guys are TXT?" Taehyung asked, looking at the five tall ass teenagers. The five nodded their head making him chuckle

"Ok. I guess we will be leaving for jeju this evening?" He again asked and got another nod from the five. Taehyung smiled at the five before leaving to meet the CEO

Five months since taehyung joined Moonlight Entertainment. Though he still works in Sweet Serendipity but his maximum times gets consumed in Moonlight Entertainment

Today he is leaving with the crew for bali to shoot with the boy band TXT for their upcoming album 'Temptation'. He is excited to shoot in bali. He had already packed his stuffs and they are going to leave this evening

For the first time he is leaving jimin alone but they both know that this is a huge opportunity for taehyung. He is working in Moonlight Entertainment and that is itself a huge honour

"Yo Kim" and here comes the Great Jeon Jungkook. In these five months Jungkook hadn't left a single chance to annoy taehyung.

At first taehyung use to ignore him because after all jungkook is his sunbae but from last one month he retorts back with an equally strong reply whenever jungkook decides to annoy him

"What now Jeon?" Taehyung asked sighing as he went through his stuffs

"Can I see your camera for once?" Jungkook said, showing his index finger. Taehyung squinted his eyes at him but nonetheless handed him his baby

"Canon EOS R5!!!" Jungkook shrieked seeing the model of camera

"Yeah Kim you really have this one?!" Jungkook asked , big doe eyes directed towards taehyung who looked at him for a while before smirking lightly

"It was the last peice and i bought it" taehyung replied as he took his baby from jungkook and nicely kept it inside his bag

"*whine* i really wanted to buy this one but all went out of stock" jungkook whinned stomping his feet

"Well you can try now. It maybe still available" taehyung replied shrugging his shoulder as he finally set his luggage aside

"Yeah right. Ohh by the way. I am the director" jungkook said smirking and his smirk grew more wide when he heard taehyung groan in frustration

"Whatever" taehyung mumbled and soon all the crew members left for the airport.

The fans have fully crowded the airport but thankfully they had bodyguards with them. Taehyung was about to fall at how the fans were pushing but thankfully jungkook held him. Jungkook kept holding taehyung's hand until they entered the terminal completely after checking in

Taehyung didn't said anything because the place was very much crowded and this is the first time he is flying without any family member so he is quiet nervous.

Taehyung breathed a sigh of relief when finally they settled down in their seats. He was not in a mood to argue when he realised jungkook is sitting beside him

The drive from 42 Hangang-daero to incheon and then getting squeezed in the airport. He is tierd and to add on it it he woke up today at 3 as he had to report at the company by 6. He yesterday slept at 12 as he was helping jimin in his work

The flight from incheon to bali was just seven hours and seven minute , soon enough they landed in Bali. They all drove to their booked hotel and the first thing Taehyung wanted to do was sleep. He is extremly exhausted and his body is screeming to just sleep

"What do you mean you gave one of our crew member's room to someone else?" The manager of TXT argued with the receptionist who said the reasons making him sigh

"Taehyung, you have to share room with someone else. They had to immediately book a room for some industrialist so they have given your room to them" the manager said, sighing in frustration. These hotel managements always do this

"What the-.....

"Come with me" and that's how taehyung was dragged to jungkook's hotel room. Though taehyung wanted to protest but he is almost at the brink of fainting from exhaution so he just kept quite

Once they entered inside taehyung just abandoned his luggages at the door step before plopping down in the couch. As soon as his body touched the soft couch he fainted. He actually fainted

Jungkook just shook his head before getting their luggage inside. He walked up to taehyung and shook him but he didn't woked up. Jungkook kinda panicked when taehyung didn't woke up even after sprinkling water at his face

He quickly called his assistant to call the doctor and send them to his room. After 10 mins the doctor arrived with his assistant behind

"He fainted due to exhaustion and lack of food. Feed him properly and keep him hydrated and let him rest as much as possible" the doctor informed after checking Taehyung and then took his leave along with jungkook's assistant

Jungkook just sighed before taking taehyung to the room they are going to share before laying him on the bed. He stared at taehyung's face for a while and he won't deny that taehyung is the most beautiful male he has ever laid his eyes on

He sighed again before getting up and going to freshen up. After chancing he just ordered take out because he is too tired to cook for himself. After eating he slept on the couch while taehyung was still laying unconscious on the bed



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