Chapter 5: Is this...a date Jax? 1/2

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(It would never come out they say...he's taking too long they say. But no longer will I be slandered for this! 💀 Alr jk, but seriously thanks for the patience on this chapter. Hope ya enjoy this one. Also, I was working on my writing skills so I hope it sounds a bit better.)

Jax was speaking with anger and breathlessness, his fists clenched tightly. "I can't believe this... Are you kidding me?" he exclaimed, his frustration visble. Pomni listened silently, trying to decide whether to calm him down or let him vent his emotions.

"Calm down, Jax," Pomni said softly, trying to soothe him. "We should tell the others and figure out what to do next." Before she could finish, Jax turned to her with a look of disbelief. "Calm down? Did you not just read what I did?" he snapped, his tone harsh and angry.

Pomni was hurt by his sudden outburst and recoiled from his words. Jax eventually calmed down and apologized, his voice soft and contrite. He sat down next to Pomni, his head in his hands, looking confused and hurt. Pomni patted him on the back gently, trying to offer him some comfort.

"I'm heading to my room," Jax said finally, clutching the file in his hand. "I need time to think about this." Pomni stopped him, grabbing his sleeve gently. "Jax, wait. I think it's best if we stick together at the moment. What if Caine finds out? He might try to harm us."

Jax looked at her with a mixture of concern and affection. "I'll never let Caine hurt you," he said firmly, his voice filled with conviction. "You know that, right?" Pomni smiled at him, feeling her heart swell with gratitude.

Jax took off his hoodie and placed it on Pomni's shoulders, his eyes twinkling mischievously. "You can keep it. I have millions of them," he said with a grin. Pomni blushed, feeling the warmth of the hoodie enveloping her.

Jax picked up Pomni gently, carrying her in his arms like a princess. She nestled her head on his shoulder, feeling safe and secure in his embrace. "You need some rest," Jax said softly, carrying her to her room. Pomni felt herself drifting off to sleep, feeling the gentle rise and fall of Jax's chest as he walked. Although they no longer needed air to survive in this digital world it was still confronting to her. "So fluffy...and warm," she murmured, smiling sleepily.

Jax walked down the long hall, his thoughts consumed by the file they had just found. He finally stopped at the door of his room, hesitating for a moment before he could bring himself to turn the handle. Suddenly, a voice behind him startled him. "Jax? What are you doing?" It was Ragatha, Jax turned around to face her, his hand still on the doorknob. "I'm a bit busy right now," he replied curtly. But before he could enter his room, Ragatha grabbed him by the arm.

"Careful! I almost dropped her," Jax exclaimed, tightening his grip on the small, sleeping figure in his arms. He glared at Ragatha, who seemed suddenly concerned for the person he was carrying. "Why are you suddenly concerned about her? Last I checked you were harassing her and being a dick," she said, eyeing him suspiciously.

Jax blushed, feeling caught off guard by her sudden questions. "Doesn't matter right now, you need to mind your business," he snapped back angrily, but quietly. He opened the door and gently placed Pomni on her bed, tucking her in with a blanket. "Huh? What's going on?" Pomni asked, still half asleep. "Nothing, just go back to sleep Poms," Jax replied softly, watching her sleep peacefully.

He left the room and continued his conversation with Ragatha. "Why do you care about what I have going on?" Jax asked, his curiosity tinged with anger. "I don't know, maybe because you constantly harass everyone here and are just an overall dick," Ragatha retorted, her voice tense with barely-contained anger.

"Are you trying to say I'm planning something...?" Jax narrowed his eyes, unsure whether Ragatha knew his plan or was bluffing. "Jax, I don't want to have this conversation right now. Just...stay away from her. You always cause pain," Ragatha said, her words cutting deeply.

Jax retreated to his own room, the quietness of the circus almost unbearable. He searched for something, anything to distract himself. Despite Caine's efforts to erase all adult themes, Jax had found a way to hack the system. He grabbed a bottle of alcohol, wondering whether it was even possible to get drunk in this strange place. He shrugged and started drinking, trying to drown his sorrows. 

Pomni's eyes fluttered open slowly, she got up with a yawn and looked around. "Jax?" For some reason she expected Jax to be waiting for her. She got up and opened the door and headed for Jax's room. 

Pomni slowly opened her eyes, feeling groggy and disoriented. Letting out a yawn, she looked around and called out for Jax. She was surprised to find that she was expecting him to be there. She got up and made her way to his room, only to find the door open.

 "Jax?" she called out, peering inside. The room was dark, so she flipped on the lights. As soon as the light flooded the room, she was startled by what she saw. Jax was lying on his bed, clearly drunk, wearing nothing but a white t-shirt and purple pajama pants.

 "JAX?!" she exclaimed, rushing over to him and shaking him awake. Jax hiccuped, "Pomni...whatcha doin here?" he slurred, looking at her through bleary eyes. Pomni was taken aback by Jax's drunken state. "I don't even know how you got drunk here..." she said, trying to help him sit up. "Ragatha will know what to do," she said, attempting to get Jax to stand up. But he was too drunk to stand, so she gave up and sat down next to him. "You're really cute Poms," Jax said after a few minutes of silence. 

Pomni blushed and felt a flutter in her stomach. "W-wha-?!" she stammered, confused by Jax's sudden compliment. "You're not to bad yourself Jax. Only if you weren't such a jerk," she replied, trying to lighten the mood. Jax smiled softly, and Pomni felt a pang of affection for him. "Do you think I cause nothing but pain?" Jax suddenly asked, and the room seemed to grow colder. "Huh? Who told you that?" Pomni asked, concerned. But Jax just stared at her, his gaze unfocused. "Doesn't matter just answer the question," he slurred. "No, you may be a dick but you sometimes make me forget about this world," Pomni answered honestly. Her response seemed to please Jax, and he moved closer to her without even realizing it.

 Pomni urged Jax to sober up and got up to look for something to help him. But Jax sat swaying side to side before he slurred, "Don't bother, I hacked this will go away after a bit." Suddenly, he glitched and Pomni rushed over to him, calling his name anxiously.

As she got closer, Jax pulled her towards him. Their faces were so close that Pomni could feel her cheeks burning and could sense Jax's blush too. For what seemed like an eternity, they studied each other's faces, lost in a moment of intimacy.

Finally, they closed their eyes and their lips met in a passionate kiss. Jax wrapped his arms around Pomni's waist, pulling her closer to him. The kiss felt warm and comforting, and they finally broke away, looking at each other with wonder in their eyes.

Jax teased her, "Hey Poms, you're pretty red. Like crimson." Pomni chuckled, "Oh go to hell." She was still lost in the moment they had just shared. She rested her head on his chest, feeling his steady breathing and momentarily forgetting everything else around them.

Suddenly, they heard Zooble's voice shouting, "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!" They looked up, startled, and saw Zooble staring at them with shock on their face. The two quickly separated and were flustered.

"It's not what it looks like..." Jax said slightly sober, Zooble still looked shocked but calmed down. "

Zooble turned around and walked away, Pomni and Jax looked at eachother and blushed. Pomni got up and closed the door turned the lights off. The only light source being Jax's yellow eyes. She dragged Jax into his bed and the two stared at each other and snuggled together and fell asleep. 

Unbeknownst to them, Ragatha was growing more suspicious of the two. She decided to confront them in the morning when they were alone.

(Oooo...drama! Lol, anyways what do you'll think will happen next? Also don't worry the next part is coming out soon after this. And no that doesn't mean 5 months 💀.)

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