Chapter 38

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"Are you sure?" Soroka interjected, causing the both of them to look at her. "You've just finished a battle, and the night is already deep. Wouldn't it be better if you rest before setting off on your journey again?"

"She has a point, Blue," Pegasus chimed in. "I think we need to rest."

Their words made Trent feel the exhaustion within himself. He took a deep breath before nodding before looking around. "But I don't know where we should rest," he told Pegasus.

"If you want, you can rest in our nest," Soroka offered. Trent breathed a sigh of relief at her offer. Now, he wouldn't worry about any creatures in this world harming them. He had heard about most of them from his Professors in Occulus, but seeing them now was a different experience. Most of them, he had only heard in stories.

"Thank you, Soroka," Pegasus expressed gratitude. "Trent."

"Thank you," Trent also thanked, smiling at the bird person. He climbed onto Pegasus' back. Pegasus began to follow the birds as they flew into the sky towards their nests. At this moment, Trent fully saw the panoramic view of their surroundings. Two moons adorned the sky, a sight new but not surprising. The stars glittered. It was no different from the view in the mortal world.

"What are you thinking?" Pegasus asked.

"The stars," Trent replied. "No matter which world or dimension I'm in... I feel like the skies are the same."

"Hmm. Perhaps you're right," he agreed. It didn't take long for them to reach the bird people's nests.

"Here is the nest you can use as a resting place while you're in our world," Soroka said. Trent suddenly jumped to the side as he felt an incoming attack. He wasn't wrong. Something passed by and hit the grass. "Aura Aureum." The golden ball appeared as Trent summoned a water bird. Soon enough, something emerged from the grass, wanting to attack him; another bird person.

"R-Ruda?" Soroka reacted upon seeing the bird person in front of them. "What are you doing?!"

"Don't trust those creatures," Ruda said. "Just this afternoon, they tried to pluck my feathers."

"Ruda, calm down. They are not enemies," Soroka explained. "In fact, they even saved our child from the leader of the snakes."

"Is what you're saying true?" he asked. The other bird people nodded. Ruda began to calm down and flew in front of Soroka.

"They've explained why they needed our feathers," Soroka said.

"In that case, I apologize for my attack," Ruda apologized. Trent extended his hand, causing the golden ball and the water bird to disappear. "And thank you for saving our child."

"You're welcome," Trent replied with a smile.

"We'll leave you to rest now," Soroka said before they flew away. Trent looked around. "The night will surely be calm," he said.

"You can sleep under my wings," Pegasus suggested. Trent agreed immediately and they both settled in that nest. "Do you want me to tell you a story to help you sleep faster?"

Trent thought it wasn't necessary, but he agreed anyway. As he lay on the grass, Pegasus placed one of his wings over him. Trent felt the warmth and softness of his feathers. "I'll start my story now," Pegasus said.

"Go ahead," Trent softly replied while gazing at the stars in the sky. The moon was bright too. His mind was filled with the soothing voice of Pegasus as he narrated.

"I'll tell you one of the most famous stories about me..."

He narrated the story of how the hero, Bellerophon, used him in his mission. Bellerophon was tasked with killing the Chimera, a creature breathing fire in ancient times. Bellerophon thought attacking the Chimera from the sky would make the task easier, and he believed that Pegasus was the key to achieving that.

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