Chapter 44

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Pegasus questioned, "Am I going back to how it used to be?"

"Do you doubt me?" Trent responded with a laugh, turning towards the kitsunes. "Thank you very much."

"You needn't thank us," Tengaku replied, citing their duty assigned by the ancient witches.

Trent smiled and nodded, raising his hand as the portal opened. Without hesitation, he crossed over.

"You turned me into jewelry," Pegasus complained. "You turned a sacred being into a decoration."

Trent chuckled at Pegasus' remark.

"What's so amusing?" Pegasus asked, puzzled.

"Nothing," Trent replied. "You'll adapt to that form eventually. Sometimes, it's refreshing to experience a journey without being the one utilized."

"Well, there's really nothing I can do," Pegasus conceded. As they reached the other side of the portal, Trent scanned the surroundings. He was undoubtedly in Occulus, currently navigating one of the hallways. He started walking back to his room but halted, sensing a presence around him.

"Who goes there?" he demanded, his hand instinctively raising to a fighting stand. "Reveal yourselves!"

"Trent," a familiar voice called out from the shadows. Zarian and Adair emerged, their figures flickering in the dim light.

"It's just the two of you," Trent muttered, relief washing over him. "I thought it might be someone else."

"What brings you here?" he inquired, eyeing them cautiously.

"We noticed your departure," Zarian explained. "And decided to follow."

"You two are always trouble," Trent remarked, a hint of a smile tugging at his lips.

"And where did you venture off to?" Adair pressed, curiosity gleaming in his eyes. "You vanished without a trace."

"I faced a Sea Queen, acquired scales from a bakunawa, plucked feathers from a mythical bird, harvested magical mushrooms, and claimed a dragon's fang," Trent replied cryptically, leaving them bewildered. "Zarian!" he shouted, grabbing his companion as something whizzed past them, embedding itself in the stone wall.

"Th-thank you, Trent," Zarian expressed gratitude.

"Let's not get too comfortable," Trent cautioned, his eyes scanning their surroundings. "Someone might still want us dead. Be prepared and stay cautious."

"Is it Veronika?" Adair asked, fear evident in his voice, his hands trembling slightly.

"No," Trent replied confidently. "I'm sure Veronika isn't the one attacking us."

"You're right," a familiar voice confirmed, breaking through the tense atmosphere. They turned to see Ivan emerging from the shadows.

"Headmaster!" Adair exclaimed, taking a step forward, but Trent's hand shot out, halting him in his tracks.

"Don't, Adair," he intervened, his tone firm with warning.

"Children," Ivan addressed them with a gentle smile, but Trent's glare silenced him.

"Zarian... Adair," Ivan tried again, but Trent's grip on Adair's shoulder tightened.

"Don't listen to him," Trent warned his friends, his voice low and filled with distrust. "He planned to kill me."

"Why would I do that to you, Trent?" Ivan feigned innocence, his expression a mask of confusion. "I'm the Headmaster of Occulus. I wouldn't harm any of the students of Occulus. It goes against everything we stand for."

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