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Chapter 6

Stella's point of view

He look at us as if we were prey. he looked broken. He was so skinny, his eyes were dark and shallow, and looked weak. This was the product of keeping pain locked and trying to overcome it yourself. It was as if a vampire was first exposed to sunlight.

"Marrissa, please act like a proper betas mate. it's embarrassing." his eyes then shifted to me, " and you, please respect those higher than you"

I sneered at this. "those higher than you?" I mocked, "are you sure you are talking to the right person."

"DO NOT MOCK ME!" He commanded. Though I was scared my anger could not be suppressed. Before I was going to say something back my oh so dear mate came to my rescue.

"Please excuse this incident. I didn't discipline my mate nor our pack warriors well." Fayne obediently said as he bowed his head low. "I seek to it that they get their punishment."

"I'll leave it in your hands then." the alpha replied. he then left.

After he was well out of sight, I laughed. Marrissa and Fayne looked at me as if I was bizarre.

"Marrisa, wait for me in our room." Fayne asked.

"Why?!" Marrissa screeched.

"Just go!" Fayne yelled. Angrily Marrissa stomped away in anger. you could hear little sobs coming from her. Fayne looked sad but it was quickly replaced by a stern look. He grabbed my arm and simply stated "follow me".

He led me into the forest. He let go of my arm and stared at me for a few seconds. He then broke the silence.

"I love you but I love her more. Don't do this to me. Please," he begged, " don't make it so hard for me."

I slapped him. He looked at me in disbelief.

"You're pitiful. Back then I used to think I loved you. I was foolish. I would've done everything for you no matter how much it hurt me back then but now, I realized how stupid I was. you were just being selfish. I know you love me. you love me more than her. You're just afraid to admit it. You just want to leave her now don't you. You wish for her to leave with her mate so you could be with me."

I suddenly stop speaking as I felt the force of Fayne's hand on my face. I fell down on the floor holding my face as tears fell down.

"You're wrong. I love her so much you don't understand. I love you but not as much as her. You don't understand anything. Don't ever say I don't love her because I do."

"She only wants you for your power nothing else." I whispered.

"No she doesn't. She loves me" he screamed.

"Keep lying to yourself. You'll only end up like me, a person who lives in sorrow and denial. You're only hurting yourself." I screamed back at him.

"As of today, we are strangers. I want nothing to do with you."He walked away without showing any regret.

"Fayne!" I screamed with desperation. "Come back here." The only response was his back. " come back!!!!!" He soon disappeared from sight. I layed on the ground sobbing my heart out. The pain in my chest was overwhelming. "Don't you know I'm dying" I whispered.

Reeds point of view
I walked in the woods for fresh air. My mother begged for me to get out of my dark room and find some sunlight. After the event with Marrisa and that she warrior it left me furious. How could there be such a disobedient stupid wold like that. I stopped in my tracks as I heard a woman crying.

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