Chapter 2

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"Carter!",shouted Zack Morgan as he slammed the newspaper on Margaret's desk."Can you freaking imagine?!Us!Our company!On the frigging newspaper!"
Margaret giggled,"It's okay,Zack.Calm down."
"I fucking love UFOs.They are the reason why we are on the newspaper."
"True,but our company has been on the newspaper a lot of times before this too."

Margaret took the shortcut route back home again,but a bit earlier this time,10:45 p.m..She had walked a few steps when she heard footsteps behind her. She increased her pace and the footsteps also increased their pace.If it was a thief then many of her company's blueprints would get stolen.

Suddenly,out of the bushes,emerged two men.Someone behind her whistled,which made Margaret stop in her tracks.A man walked up to her, from behind.He lowered his mouth to Margaret's ear and asked nastily,"What is a pretty lady like you doing here,at this alley?At this hour of the night?"

Margaret's neck hair rose up and a shiver ran down her spine.What was her faith? "Don't you know what can happen to pretty ladies like you?",asked the man as he placed his hand on Margaret's back.He creepily moved his hand down her back.Margaret's skin crawled.

She felt the man's hand on the zip of her dress.Her blood froze and her body broke into goosebumps.

All of a sudden,he heard someone else behind her."Oi!Hands off, motherfucker!", shouted the voice.The man's grip on Margaret's hand tightened;his nails pierced through her skin.

The hand was pushed away and Margaret felt someone's hand around her waist.It was the same girl who had killed Mr.Oswin the other day.She pointed the gun between the man's thighs and shot.He fell down on the ground and screamed in pain.

The girl removed her hand from Margaret's waist and shot the other two men.One directly in the head and another in the chest.The man who had got shot in his gonads was still groaning in pain.The girl looked down at him and spoke roughly, "I ain't going to kill you.You are going to bleed and then,DIE."

She aimed at the man's left leg and shot there.He screamed loudly.

The girl turned to Margaret,who felt her stomach churn with fear.The girl pulled Margaret closer by her waist.Margaret didn't feel scared anymore,but she felt safe.The girl lowered her lips to Margaret's ear."You are safe,baby girl.",she whispered. Margaret blushed uncontrollably.

The girl held her hand and led her to a shiny,black, Mercedes Benz.

"In you go.",she smiled opening the door of the seat beside the driver's seat.

After Margaret had seated herself,the girl sat down on the driver's seat."You know,that alley's not safe...",she said starting the car."...especially after sunset, Margaret."

How the hell did she know her name?!It was not highly unlikely, because her company and it's researches were on the newspaper,today,but still Margaret asked.

"You know my name?"
The girl smirked,"Well ah...yeah.Of course I do,baby girl. But keep one thing in mind.I am not just a mafia,but also the Manager of a security firm.As a mafia,I track down abusers,rapists, serial killers, smugglers etc."

Margaret swallowed.This girl,beside her,was a mafia,who could murder her any moment if she wanted to.

She felt a warm hand on her scratched right hand.To say scratched would be wrong, because it was bleeding.The girl took out an antiseptic cream from her pocket."Sorry.A bandage would have been better.You gotta work with this shit right now.",said the girl.She then applied the cream on her hand.

Margaret's cheeks heated up.She didn't know why,but she liked this mafia.The girl pressed a kiss in Margaret's hair,which made her blush even harder.

"If you don't have any objection,I can drop you home everyday after office", offered the girl.Margaret agreed. Travelling back home with a mafia who cares for you, is a lot better than walking alone and falling prey to hungry men.

Margaret gave the girl instructions and led her to her home.She invited her in for some snacks."Why did you save me?",asked Margaret as she placed a plate of potato chips on the table.

The girl smiled,"That's my job,baby girl."Margaret blushed.When she recovered,she asked,"Can I know the name of the girl who cares for me so much?"

The girl smirked and got up from the couch.She bent over Margaret and held her gun at Margaret's head.She spoke,"Te amo.",and pulled the trigger.Margaret froze and shut her eyes close.

The girl burst out laughing,"Did you really think I would shoot you?Ha! Don't even imagine.I would never.The gun's empty."

Margaret left a sigh of relief.Wow!This girl was crazy as fuck!"Actually,you are the only one allowed to call me that.No one else.",she said."My name is Medusa."

When Worlds CollideOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora