Percy and oliver

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Oliver was now sure Percy's feelings were not just platonic.

But he was still hesitant to admit his own feelings towards Percy. His attraction too him was starting to surface in ways he had never noticed before, and he began to have some intense physical desires for the boy he had been sharing a dorm room with for the past 7 years.

Oliver finally got up the courage to confess his feelings for Percy one night. Percy being the studious and sensible type, was taken aback by Oliver's sudden declaration and said that he would give Oliver an answer in the morning.

Percy got ready in morning to finally answer Oliver's declaration of love. Oliver was nervous, not only because he didn't know what Percy would say but because he thought Percy might actually reject him.

But he was surprised when Percy actually accepted his feelings back, both Percy and Oliver ended up embracing each other and pressing their lips together for the first time.

A spark of intimacy that soon became a fire of affection and adoration as they began to explore the depths of their love, and they world of romance at hogwarts opened up for them both.

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