chapter 1

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   I walked into the cafe after my long and stressful day of school. It was a normal day at college. As normal as it could get. Our schedules were messed up and we would get random texts at any time of the day concerning classes, the texts went something like this "Hey students please sorry for the inconvenience class will begin in thirty minutes blah blah blah"

I always complained about the schedule, but at some point, I stopped. I couldn't change it, so whenever they would send those messages, I would get my bags and sprint like a crazy person, turning all heads as I dashed through.                  

 I walked into the cafe and straight to the counter. I used to work there so I could take any drink as long as I paid. My earphones were plugged in and the music banged on my earbuds. ~exactly what I needed to give my body the rush of energy it earnestly needed.~

I looked up to see a guy shouting at me, I stared... dumbfounded, He had the most attractive smile I had ever seen, and his eyes... exotic blue, the only eyes I have ever felt comfortable staring into, his lips, the perfect shade of pink, it was mesmerizing, I couldn't stop, I stared uncontrollably. The world around me stopped, I was stuck, his eyes had these effects, words cannot explain it, and his hair... I was never much of a fan of wavy hair, but this, this was a true representation of perfection.

 "Cut!"... I heard, flinging me back to reality. I looked around as my coffee poured, drenching my feet and staining my shoes, it had been pouring for about 30 seconds, but I was too lost to notice. He then came over to help me with the mess, he bent over with a paper towel as I looked at his hair, struggling so much, trying not to touch it, he stood up and looked at me, causing my whole body to blush, I tried to remain as cool as possible acting like I didn't care about the coffee that had drenched my thousand dollar worth of shoes.

"Are you okay?" he asked. In the sexiest accent known to man, it was a mix of the French and American accent.

I stared at him, again, looking like I had just seen a ghost. I had never heard anything like that.

 "Did my heart just do a backflip?" I asked myself forgetting that he had just asked me a question.

"Is everything alright?" he asked again.

"Yes.. yes..everything is fine" I replied.

He looked at me, smiled, and walked back to some other people. I didn't know they were there, I thought it was just the two of us in here.

 "nope I was wrong" I muttered to myself, while taking off my shoes feeling angry, stupid, and humiliated.

"I had just embarrassed myself, and I thought I was cute!" I shouted as they all turned to face me.

My eyes landed on a pretty girl, she looked like a model. She had everything, the butt, the boobs, the face, everything!

"well I have no chance now," I said, my heart broke. Once again, I lost to another girl.

"I should be used to it by now," I said.
But I wasn't, it still hurts every day.

I looked at them, grabbed my coffee in one hand and my shoes in the other, and walked out the door, with tears almost out of my eyes.

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