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        I got to my dorm, overwhelmed with emotions, emotions I thought had died long ago. But no... I was wrong... AGAIN. The emotions still lurked inside of me, and for some reason, it felt even more heavier than before. 

Morgan, my best friend and my only roommate, was home, and as usual, munching on chips, half aware of what was happening.

she always did this, munched on every food, and for some reason, she was not fat but, she was not skinny either.

"It's called fast metabolism, you won't understand" she always said, whenever I gave her that questioning look.

I never understood why. I wasn't fat, I was the same size as her, 5 foot 7 inches and barely 65kg. I was even taller than she was, she was still struggling with 5 foot 6 inches.

"Hey," I said.

She turned to face me, with an immediate change of expression. 

She could tell something was wrong, and I hated that. 

I love that she cared, but I knew that if she did I would have to tell her the whole story and I didn't want to speak about it, to anyone. I wanted to forget about this day. But the look of care on her face said that she wanted to know and was not going to let it go until I told her.

 "Is everything alright," she said.

"No" I replied.

 "Today I met a hot guy, like hot, like seductively hot. He had blue eyes, and wavy hair, and even his nose was perfection, I couldn't see his body well because he had on a big t-shirt, but I could already tell that it was perfection" I said.

"eeeeeeeee" she squealed, jumping on the bed, tirelessly, she then stopped and stared at me."

 why are you not jumping" she asked as she came down, searching my face for answers.

She placed her hands on my face and watched as tears came down my eyes, pulling me into a tight hug.

"I embarrassed myself, he doesn't like me," I said whimpering.

She hugged me tighter and I struggled to breathe as her hand wrapped around my head, pushing it down on her breasts, I felt warm. 

I wished he would hug me like that, I would do anything to feel him up close, to smell him.

"I want you," I said in my mind.

 I knew I sounded crazy, but wasn't I? I was crazy... I was crazy for his love, his validation, his stare...

I told myself that I would never leave myself to fall for somebody like that, But I fell harder.

I didn't want to.

 And then it hit me again. 

I had no chance, That girl. 

She was like rain pouring all over the artwork you laid outside to dry. 

I was torn, and she was tearing me apart even more.

"I want to suck out all the air in her butt and boobs with a vacuum. Why did she have to be so pretty, and why did I have to be so jealous!" I shouted. 

Morgan lifted my head, stared into my eyes, and began her usual words of affirmation.

"You are pretty, even prettier than her, trust me."

"I don't trust you. You didn't see the girl I saw." I replied.

"Yes, but I see you and you are gorgeous. With your dark long hair, your beautiful brown eyes, your pearly white teeth, and your body, you are thick! maybe not as thick as her, but any guy that lays eyes on you can already see your breathtaking beauty, it's not a beauty you can hide." She said.

She always knew the right words to say. She could tell you anything and you would believe it without hesitation.

I looked into her eyes and I could tell, she meant what she said, I was really beautiful, and for a second I began to imagine what life would be like with the cafe guy.

"Welp, the day is almost over, it's time to catch some sleep." She said. Tossing me back to reality, AGAIN. 

I hadn't realized it was 8:30, and we had to go to bed so we could be ready for whatever dreadful time they assign classes tomorrow.

I sighed, jumping on my bed stuffing my head in the pillow, and blowing Morgan a kiss, she pretended to catch the kiss and stuff it down her bedsheets.

"I love you sweetie," she said and began to sing some worship songs before we prayed.

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