Chapter 11: Mina

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Chapter 11: Mina


It broke me leaving Elsa like that, but I know this would be the only way to protect her. I fly high with Crystal and it was incredible! I never had this kind of rush before and I never wanted it to stop. I close my eyes and just the cold air hit my face. We're getting close to the Firebird young master. I hear which makes me open my eyes and remember why I was up here. Before I could answer, a fireball flies by my head. "Holy shit!" I yell as Crystal dives, Are you okay!? I hear Crystal ask, worry in her voice. "I'm fine; we just have to be careful." I say and make her go back up again. The closer we get the more fire it throws at us. I was running out of ideas on how to get to this bird. Then it hit me.

"Okay Crystal, get as close as you can to that bird before it hits us, then do a water attack, you need to get that bird as wet as you can." I see Crystal nod, what's your plan Jack? She asks as I narrow my eyes not answer.

We're only a feet away and the firebird sees us coming. I grind my teeth, "Get ready." I say as she bows her head, going straight on. Before we hit the firebird, the bird opens his mouth, ready to do another attack but Crystal fires out water at it and I hold my hands up, I feel my hands start to get cold as ice starts to go with the water as it hitting the fire first then the bird. I watch as it starts to freeze, before the ice got to its head, it made a loud scream before it frozen and falls to the ground, shattering it into a million pieces. I breathe with relief as I pet Crystal's head, "You did great Crystal; we should get back to the others now.

I see her nod as we swipe down and I see that the creatures are gone, either the gang killed them or they died with the firebird, I'm not sure which. Before we land, I see everyone circling someone, and I feel my voice get stuck in my throat, something was wrong. I jump off Crystal before we land and run over to everyone. Punzel looks at me. She walks up to me and grabs my shoulders, "Jack, just stay here please." She says but I push her aside and I stop dead in my tracks, Elsa was lying on the ground and the burn from that bird was going up her neck.

"Elsa..." I say and land on my knees and grab her hand. I look up at Andrew, "What the hell is happening!?" I yell as Andrew flinches, "Aagney is going to fix her, it's that bird, and she needs to have to tears of a phoenix to be healed." He says looking at Elsa. "Well then heal her God damn it!" I yell as I feel Elsa squeeze my hand tight. "Aagney is healing Anna, she's worse than Elsa, if we didn't heal her first, she would have died." Punzel says holding my shoulders.

I'm trying to be strong but I can't lose her, I can't. I feel a tear go down my face. "I can't lose her Rapunzel..." I whisper. I feel her arms wrap around me, "You won't." She says when I feel some heat go by me. I turn my head to see Aagney. "Aagney says he'll heal her now. Just step back a bit." Andrew says. I look at Andrew glaring at him but I step back still holding on to Elsa's hand, even if I wanted to let go, her grip wouldn't let me.

I watch as Aagney start to cry on Elsa's arm, neck and face. I watched as the burns start to go away, then she opens her eyes sits up fast and takes a few deep breaths in, like she wasn't breathing for a while. "Elsa!" I yell and pull her in for a hug. "Thank god." I say as I hold her close. She wraps her arms around me, "You think you could get rid of me that fast Frost?" She says as I look at her. I smile as she giggles as I kiss her nose, "Never beautiful."

I hear someone clear their throat. Elsa looks up to see Andrew, "Andrew." She stands and hugs him, "Thank you." She says and looks at Aagney, she pets his head, "And to you also Aagney, you saved my life and Arctic's life." She says and stops and looks at everyone. "Is Anna okay?" She asks. Andrew nods, "Yes, and for some odd reason, she doesn't remember anything. Punzel took her home before she woke up, said she didn't remember what happened. All she says she remembers is walking home when she fainted." "But I remember." I hear behind me. I turn to see the girl that was with Anna.

She was a mess, her hair was everywhere, her eyes were wet from crying and she was hugging herself. "Who are you?" Flynn asks with his summit next to him showing his teeth. The girl flinches and steps back. "Flynn you're scaring her." Elsa says and walks up to her, she touches her shoulder and I see her relax and the fear leaving her eyes, God she's amazing.

"Why don't you tell us who you are?" Elsa asks. The girl looks up at her and nods, "Okay. My name is Mina Rosebush, I just moved her a few days ago. Anna was my first friend, I was trying to be nice and walk her home when that bird attacked us." She looks at us all, I look to see everyone's summits are gone, maybe it's because we're not in danger anymore. "Now, I want to know who you all are, and what the hell is going on!" She yells.

All eyes turned to me, "You're our leader Frost, I think you should tell the lady." Flynn says and lends on his bike. I sigh and turn to the girl, "We're in a game, a game for our lives, we have givers who give us powers and the creatures you saw, they are our summits." I say. Mina looks at me and uncrosses her arms, "What's the prize for this game?" She asks. "Our lives." Flynn says. She turns to him and glares, "And how do you win?" She asks and looks at Andrew.

He takes off his glasses and cleans them, "We have to find our giver and fight them. We have to win." He says and puts his glasses back on. She looks at us all, studies us. Then she sighs, "Well, how can I help?" I feel my eyes widen, "What?" She turns to me, "Well, I saw everything it's going to be hard to forget this so I want in." Punzel walks up to her, "Mina, this is very dangerous, you could get killed." She says but Mina just smiles, "I might but so could you guys." She looks at Andrew and I see his cheeks get red.

"Plus, I can help with cooking, cleaning, and I know how to camp. I can make a fire out of anything." She says and I hear Flynn laugh. "We got the fire handled love." He says and makes a small fire ball in his hand. Mina's eyes widen and she steps back. Andrew steps forward and wraps his arm around her, "Stop scaring her Flynn!" Punzel says and punches him on the shoulder. He puts the fire out and puts his arm around Punzel, "Now now blondie, I'm just having fun with our new member." He says and looks at me. "Right Jack?"

I look at him, then Mina, then Elsa. "What do you think?" I ask. She grabs my hand, "What if our givers find out about her, no human should know about this. She should come with us so we can protect her. Anna doesn't remember she'll be fine I feel like." She places her hand on my cheek, "For me Jack?" She whispers. I melt under her touch. I sigh, "She's right. Mina would be a lot safer with us." Mina smiles, "Well, when do we start?"

Hey guys! Sorry for the late update and the crappy chapter, 1 I've had a little bit of writers block and 2, I've been working a lot and been very tried. So please forgive me. I would like to know what you think of this chapter though, leave me some comments! I'll try and update again really soon! Thank you guys! Sorry for my grammar and spelling!

~Kitty Kat


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