Concepts I love

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Harry was an auror with Ron at first. However after Ron left, Harry just did not enjoy the work anymore. Plus, his son was getting older, and Harry began to realize that a job where there was always a target on his and his kids backs was not the life he wanted. So, when James turned 10, Harry took an empty position at Hogwarts as Defense Against The Dark Arts professor.

The original professor took a job abroad teaching at Ilvermorny

Hermoine is a ministry worker in her own department, focusing on the rights of intelligent magical creatures and working to create laws that will protect them and help them to live. So far her biggest achievements are a law that states that large companies such as Schools, the ministry, or shops that make a certain amount can not legally refuse to hire a free elf on the basis that they would have to pay them. They are also required to provide payment to a recently freed elf since the elf can not provide for itself.

Teddy is non-binary, but they are ok with both they/them and he/him pronouns.

Victoire and Teddy were dating long before anyone in the family found out. They were the classic childhood friends to lovers trope, and they grow and change together.
Also totally down with the idea that the two of them look up to Hermoine and both work to push for equality in the wizarding world at Hogwarts.
Credit to the Mischief Managers and their SQUAD series for that idea

Victoire and Dominique don't always get along, as Dominique views her as the "golden child" while Victoire sees her as a rebellious and lazy drama queen. Their relationship improves greatly when Dominique is the first person to find out they are dating and decides to keep their secret (with much teasing mind you).
Charlie is a fun but chaotic uncle who loves his nieces and nephews like his own. He's also still obsessed with dragons.

Percy and Audrey always had a rocky relationship. They were too similar and this ended up being their downfall. The separation was hard on Percy, he leaned on his family during this time. It was a very ugly break up. By the time the story begins, Percy and Audrey have gotten to the point where they can co-parent, but they are far from friends.
This is why Lucy is such a mature and motherly person, she felt she needed to care for her sister Molly during this time in their lives.

Lucy and Fred II have always been good friends, and continue to be so in school.

Fred II is not like his father or his namesake. That being, he is not a jokester. He is a good beater, but he is a bit more serious or responsible. He still appreciates a joke and is a pretty laid-back person, but he is also not the person who will be playing the prank. He relates to Albus a bit in the sense that he is not what anyone expected.

Fred's younger sister Roxanne, is a lot like her father and uncle. She is a prankster who likes a good joke (often at someone else's expense) and appreciates experimenting with magic. She and James are BEST friends and known to get up to mischief together along with their other friends.

Rose and Albus were friends, but it was mostly one sided. Rose led the way and did all the talking. She never really listened to Albus and a few times Albus tried to voice his thoughts she dismissed him or called him wrong. This led to Albus just taking a passive role and over time not really enjoying the friendship.
James and Lilly were close, Albus was a bit more of an outsider. Albus was often the target of his brother's jokes. This would cause Albus to hold a grudge against his brother.

Astoria is a pureblood witch who while she was raised with some level of pureblood brainwashing, it was not nearly as severe as Draco's. She has also always been fascinated with muggles and has been known to tinker with muggle items. Yes, Draco married a female Slytherin version of Arthur Weasley.
Mostly love this because it's the universe making Draco eat his words about the Weasleys.
Astoria and Draco had a lot of kids.
Yeah, the universe is obsessed with making Draco eat his words about the Weasleys. 

Draco and Astoria never intended to have children. Astoria got pregnant by accident with their oldest, the triplets. After this, they really stopped caring all that much.

I love the drama of watching the Malfoy family cope with losing a mother. I might still find a way to kill her off, but no she's not physically ill, at least they don't know right away.

Again, I might still kill her off later on, but I want a few stories and chances for her to shine first. 
Astoria did not have that many Slytherin friends while in school (Even after the war when she returned, she mostly kept to her own friend group). She had a lot of Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff friends though. Many of them were muggleborns or halfbloods. She uses these connections to help in muggle-wizard business (AKA wizards using magic to make and sellnon-magic goods to muggles for that good old inflation money). Just legal enough to skate by.While these projects are mostly her thing, Draco does quietly support her. 

Yes Draco still collects dark objects like his father. His reasoning is different though. He collects them because due to his upbringing, he knows how to contain and protect them. He never intends to use them, but he has seen first hand how easily the ministry can be overtaken or corrupted. He doesn't particularly like the people in charge, and knows how easy corruption can be. Thus he decides the best place for these things to be is under his care, where they can be contained and hidden.

Astoria helps out by listening through her friends and sister for rumors about dark magical artifacts, and by spreading rumors about the destruction of certain magical artifacts.

Harry finds this a little sus, but nothing has happened and the Malfoys keep to themselves. Plus he knows Draco owes him, so he doesn't pry. 

Astoria's sister, Daphne, married Blaze Zabini. The two had three kids together. They never really got along, they just bonded over the shared trauma. When the story picks up with Albus' first year, the two have three kids. One at Hogwarts, the others too young. The two are not divorced (because that would bring disgrace to both their families) but they do live in different homes. They co-parent, but both are obsessed with being the "favorite parent" and one-uping the other. 

This one will keep being updated as I think of and remember things. 

Harry Potter Fanfic shortsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora