Keeping Up With the Malfoys Part 1: Astoria's School Days

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Draco always knew of Astoria. She was the odd younger sister of Daphney Greengrass. Daphney was a good friend of Pansy, so Draco knew her pretty well. He heard a lot about Astoria, or Tori as Daphney called her, but she was three years behind them in school, so he did not see her often. 

As a baby Astoria was frail. This lead to her parents being very overprotective. While her sister was allowed to play outside, practice broom flying (which she hated), and have friends over for playdates, Astoria was kept inside. This lead to a very lonely childhood. (Her lonliness is what lead to her fascination with muggles. She would occasionally see them stray from their area and play in the field near her home. It was fun to watch them play and see the gadgets they used). 

Astoria's weakness when she was young had her parents worried she may be a squib. This is the main reason Astoria never really got any pure-blood lectures from her parents. They loved her, and they knew that their lifestyle went against her very existence. While they had no interest in leaving their community, they still hoped to protect their daughter. 

Everything changed though after Astoria got her Hogwarts letter. This proved that not only was Astoria not a squib, but the book and quill had deemed her powerful enough to be selected for Hogwarts. At first her parents did not want to send her. Astoria pleaded with them to let her go. Daphney backed her up, pointing out that she had not been severely ill since she was young, and that her and her friends would make sure nothing too horrible happened to her. 

Despite the girls pleading, their parents still decided not to send Astoria that year. It was the year that Sirius Black had escaped from Azkaban, and was for sure going to Hogwarts. If he could escape from Azkaban, he must also be capable of breaking into Hogwarts. They did not want to put their daughter in any kind of danger. So, they made a deal with their children. Once the school was safe and Sirius was not an immediate threat, they would allow Astoria to go. 

And so another school year passed with Astoria stuck at home. By the end of the school year Sirius was known to be on the move far away from Hogwarts. This plus the news of the Tri-Wizard Tournament was what finally convinced the Greengrasses to send their youngest daughter to school, even if it was a year late. 

Even though she was going to be the oldest first year, Astoria was extremely excited to finally get to leave her home and see the world her sister and her friends talked about so much. She got to go school supply shopping with her parents. Her parents even let her go alone with her sister to get fitted for her uniform. It was a truly magical day. 

Astoria had a mostly normal first year. She was sorted into Slytherin, but quickly discovered that she did not quite fit in with them. She met her sisters friends, including Draco right away. They were nice enough to her, but they did not hide their true personalities. They were rude to people who were not exactly like them, stuck up, prideful. Yes, when Astoria first met Draco, she found that she did not like him that much. 

Not really getting along with most of the Slytherins, she made friends mostly with students from HufflePuff and Ravenclaw. Yes, some of them were even muggle-born students. Astoria loved hearing all about what the muggle world was like from them. The more she heard the more she adored it. music playing without magic or instruments? Making music without a wand? Lots of people flying at the same time without a broom? She loved the resourcefulness of muggles. She did not talk about this with her sister or her sister's friends (she was not that stupid), she kept this between her and her own friends. 

When Harry stole Cedric's thunder, she was upset like her Hufflepuff friends, but she also felt like Draco was definitley going too far with the badges. But the situation was nothing more than fun gossip to her. Until Cedric died. She hadn't known him, but it was still shocking to her, actually seeing a dead body, even from the stands. 

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