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"You're hearing AFC Richmond being booed lustily by their home fans, and you have to say, not without good reason."

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LOTTIE was startled when the locker room slammed open. Roy walked in first with a furious expression, the rest of the players trailing after.

"2-0. We're better than that!"

Lottie saw that Kukoč was rubbing his thigh intensely, so she beckoned him over to the massage chair to help him reduce the soreness he felt. They still had a second half to play, and the player's needed to be in top shape if they wanted a chance at even tying.

"Jamie. Jamie. Sorry, I didn't put that cross where you wanted it," Sam told him apologetically as he followed him.

"Ah, forget it, mate," Jamie said, turning around to face him. "Hey, would it be too forward if I gave you some advice that might improve your game a bit?"

Sam nodded, grateful that Jamie would offer as he was the best player on the team. "No. Please, anything." But his gratitude was in vain.

"What you need to do is get yourself a time machine and go back to the moment when your mum was about to fuck a sad little man with no athletic talent. Pull her off him, fly her to Argentina, and drop her onto Maradona's cock." The smile was long gone as Jamie insulted him and his mother. "Hope that helps, mate."

Lottie opened her mouth to defend her friend and give Jamie a piece of her mind, but Roy did it first. "Right, that's it," he pushed his index finger into Jamie's chest, making him stop. "I'm done with you being a prick to everyone." He then pushed him back with his finger.

Isaac oohed from the side, not helping the situation at all. The rest of the guys were watching the exchange. They were feeling down in the dumps after the first half, but they agreed that Jamie's hurtful words were just hungering for a reaction.

"So, either I beat up an old man, or I let an old man beat meh up," Jamie said with amusement, not taking his actions or Roy's and Sam's anger seriously. Roy leaned in so close to Jamie that their foreheads touched, refusing to break eye contact as he stared him down. Anyone else would be quaking in their boots. But Jamie was a cocky son of a bitch. "Fuck it. Let's go."

Lottie and the boys quickly jumped to pull the boys apart as Roy went to shove Jamie. "Fucking-"

"Hey, hey, hey!" Ted shouted as he forced the two boys apart, the rest of the players pulling them back till they were far apart from each other. Lottie was glaring at Jamie, who was staring with a daring expression at Roy, who was glaring back at Jamie. "Easy, easy, easy now! Coach, tell these boys what the first rule of my fight club is."

𝐢 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 | roy kentWhere stories live. Discover now