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Let us be butterflies in our next lives,
Getting drunk on nectars and passing out,
Sipping on flowers' sweetness, savoring every minute.
We will dance all day and circle around.

We grew up dull and with deep-rooted issues.
It even feels suffocating in our own green suits—tacky and foul.
The world was hard when we were undesirable,
They will be bystanders as we become beings so remarkable.

We flutter our wings of myriad of colors, a psychedelic,
Bright and intoxicating, just like an opium.
We have become more delicate than carnations of the Mediterranean,
And I am the closest to heaven when with you.

I spend my days left watching the reflection of the setting sun in your goggly eyes.
Mutually taking in our beautiful and fragile bodies,
Life is more cruel than any death I know of,
But I will go through another metamorphosis with you.

Bad Poetry, Thoughts, n CrapsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon