Let it go, it isn't meant for you

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The best thing I learnt this year is how to love and how to deal with a broken heart. Heart breaks hit hard, but it gets worse if your heart was broken by a (close) friend. A lot of bad things happened this year which I thought I'll never move on from but here I am writing all my sad poems here because I thought I'm not an interesting person but at least my misery would be interesting to someone. 
Life is unfair and we need to accept that. It gives us exactly what we deserve. But just because we don't get the things we think we deserve that doesn't makes us a bad person and life unworthy. A happy person is the one who knows the art of acceptance and we all want happiness in our life but we don't know how to accept our situations. 
You'll always be in situations where you'll be disrespected and I know people prefer 'distance over disrespect' but do you? Letting go is painful but come to think of it, would you really be in this situation if that person was meant for you? You are hurt and want to be respected so you need to let them go. Even if you don't want that, you still have to let it go. You are in that dilemma of whether or not should I let them go, whether or not should I let them disrespect and hurt me, because the truth is you just don't belong there. And just because you don't belong there that doesn't mean you don't belong anywhere. If people around you are making you feel worthless that doesn't make you useless. If not anyone, hang out with yourself. Who can be a better best friend for you than you? You know what you like and what you don't, your ups and downs and every trivial detail that no one would ever bother asking you. Being friends with yourself is a million times better than being around the people who don't even know your favourite food. Let yourself say this next year~ 
"The best thing I learnt this year is how to feel loved." 

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