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Jeong Gu-won was a demon. Simple was that. He enjoyed being a demon unlike some of the others he met throughout his lifetime. He did not plan to fall in love with a human. But he did. Do Do-Hee was the first person or thief...yes thief, who has managed to both steal his powers and heart. He enjoyed being with her, he loved her....was it her sass or attitude he didn't know. But he knew one thing, it was not true love for him. He had always felt like that was reserved for someone else. Years passed and like any human she too succumbed to old age. Her passing made an impact on him. It reminded him that loving humans was a mistake...they're too fragile. Like flowers they bloom for a short time and then they wilt and die. 

Still he was satisfied with granting people's desires, then Hell claiming their souls in due time. Of course, he had to make sure the deals were made and completed. After all, he did not fancy enjoying being lit on fire for not making enough deals. 

By the time a contract was set to expire, he would be there to collect. His contractors had not changed. There were those who willingly upheld their end of the bargain but then there were the cases of those who resisted with violence. Although, all of their resistance were subdued by a flick of his wrist. The result was always the same, a soul sent to hell and a deal closed.

Gu-won was sipping on his espresso calmly as he flipped another page of the book he was reading. It was a book that he found during one of his deals. A book about supernatural beings such as witches, werwolves and vampires. It was fascinating to him. It listed all of their strengths and weaknesses and how to kill them. Truly fascinating. Then again he had read this book multiple times. He did not know why, but he felt a connection to the vampires and werwolves. Maybe it was their violence that peaked his interest? He was a demon after all. He loved violence. He chuckled at the thought. Then again Seoul had become too boring for him. He couldn't remember the last time he traveled overseas. Making deals left and right had made him quite busy. 

A sharp pain from his tattoo distracted him from his daydreaming, he looked towards it and saw it flashing bright. His eyes widened when the bright light covered him. The next moment he opened his eyes, he knew he was no longer in his own dimension. 

"Aha! It worked!" a smug voice exclaimed in obvious victory. 

Gu-won blinked his eyes and looked towards the voice. A smug looking man with brown hair and mischievous brown eyes was looking at him. He looked like he had just won a lottery or something. It was good that he knew multiple languages. A skill he found useful for making deals with humans. He cleared his throat. "And you are...?"

"Kol Mikaelson." Kol said proudly. 

"Ah." Gu-won trailed off. It sounded oddly like someone who had no idea what Kol was talking about. 

That was certainly not the reaction Kol was expecting. Were they not famous in Hell for numerous dead people? At least someone or something must know his name and Niklaus' names. They did have quite the body count. 

Gu-won looked at Kol properly and smirked knowingly. All the information he needed about this man or vampire to be exact, he now knew. "Interesting."

Kol raised his eyebrow. "What is?"

Gu-won chuckled and circled around Kol slowly. "You, Mr Mikaelson and your family. " He stopped in front of Kol and a wicked smiled formed as he held out his hand. His smile widened as a scroll appeared in his hand. "So, how did you want to take care of the witch?"

Kol chuckled. "So it was true. You demons do work quiet fast."

Gu-won raised an eyebrow which Kol translated to him saying 'Obviously'.

Kol smiled cockily. "Now normally, if it's me, I'm a man of action. I don't do plans. But my siblings prefer plans. So we have a plan..then again, truth to be told, I've learned this throughout the years being with my idiotic siblings. There is only four rules to know: make the plan, execute the plan, expect the plan to go off the rails, throw away the plan. Don't you agree, Mr..?"

Gu-won chuckled. He liked this vampire. He oddly reminded him of himself. "Jeong." he replied.

Kol raised an eyebrow. "Seriously? That's your surname."

Gu-won smirked. "Correct."

Kol sighed. It was like talking to a brick wall. "Will you help us with the plan to stop our mother?"

"You need to sign a deal with me first, Mr Mikaelson. Nothing is free." Gu-won said as he opened the scroll in front of him.

Kol rolled his eyes. "I already knew that when I summoned you."

"A droplet of your blood will do then since you already know everything." Gu-won tauntingly said.

Kol looked at the contract, which to his dismay was in Korean. He raised an eyebrow at the smirking demon. "It's in Korean."

"Obviously." Gu-won said before chuckling at the silent question. "It is not my fault you don't know Korean. A man your age should know to study such things in your vast lifetime." He said before quickly picking the tip of his pen to  Kol's hand and signing his name with his blood on the contract. 


"The contract is now sealed with your name written here with your blood." Gu-won said pointing at his name on the contract while he smiled mischievously at the annoyed vampire. 

Kol took a deep breath. reminding himself that he couldn't kill him. They needed his help to take down Esther. "So then....when do we start?" 

"Oh... it has already started, Mr Mikaelson."

 A shiver went down Kol's spine when he saw that wicked smile on the demon's face. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2023 ⏰

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