Chapter 4: Feelings?

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Hello again to whoever's reading this right now, I just wanted to thank you for reading this, and I wanted to say that I hope you're enjoying this so far, I've been working on this for a while now, and I hope that it's alright. 😊 Still, always feel free to leave any comments or suggestions on this story, and on how I could always improve it. Anyways, away we go into chapter 4: Feelings! 🩷

Newt's POV

 I took Minho Minho into the deadheads. He followed to me to my favourite spot, secluded in the back corner, away from everything and everyone else. There were many easily climbable trees there, at least, it was easy for me, even with my limp. I sat down in a shaded area, on moss-covered ground. Minho took the hint and sat next to me.

"So, Newt, what is so urgent that you need to tell me about"? he asked

"Well, umm.... " I Started, clearly embarrassed, "Well, what do you do if you, um, i-if you have a-um-"

"Dude, Just spit it out,  He said, slightly annoyed, yet also intrigued. 

"Fine, what would you do if maybe say, you had um, Feelings"? I started

"Feelings"? "For who, or for whom"?

"For a person, in the glade"... I said. I turned away because I new my face was reddening by the second.

"For a person in the glade, He said slowly. "Wait! you have feelings for someone in the glade"! he said, raising his voice.

"Yeah, alright I do, I think, just keep it down okay". I said hurriedly, hoping no one else heard him.

"Dude, who"?? he asked, "Is it Gally"?

"Umm, ew no, no it's not" I said.

"Alright, what aboutttttttt," he started, relying heavily on the 't'.

"Alby"? he questioned on.

"Dude, no, Alby's just a really good friend of mine". 

"Okay, okay, okay, thennnnnn is it me"? he asked.

"Sorry to disappoint you Minho, but it's not you".

"Aw man", he said, his voice dripping in sarcasm "but I'm so hot" he said, while flexing his biceps and running his hand along his hair for affect.

"Yeah sure ya are, ya ugly shank". I said jokingly.

"ouch man", he said "arrow right through the heart". as he mimed the arrow hitting his heart.

"More like to your ego" I said right after

"Umm, What"!? "Excuse me"!? he started yelling.

"Dude shut up, I mean it". I said really hoping no one else was listening in.

"Fine," He pouted.

"But anyways Newt, who is it"? Which of those ugly shanks do you find hotter than me"?

I rolled my eyes at him, slowly and dramatically.

"You know Thomas right"?

"Yeah, he's the greenie that always causes commotion". He paused, thinking. "Wait, you like him"?

"Yeah, at least, I think I do". 

"What do you mean "you think you do"

"Well, I started. "I mean, whenever I'm around him I get butterflies, and my breath hitches, and all I want to do is look into those beautiful eyes of his, and be able to hold his hand, and talk with him for hours, and laugh with him, and be around him, and want t-

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