ticket out

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Bewonderd by this 20 year young girl,
calling herself madame hydra,
Phill coulson and his team aim their guns towards her,

Phill : there was only one yn legona,
And according shield she died trying to protect howard stark and peggy carters secret.

Yn : yeah that was my mom!
But i'm not like her!!
My dad gave me this!

Daisy : you're dad?

Yn : yes my dad!
I'm his sweet little angel ilena legona.

Phil nods towards a shield agent that sneaked around and stands behind the young girl,
Yn turns herself around aiming a strange orb in her hand towards the shield agent,
Better known as melinda may,
may deflects the orb as she punches away yn's hand,
And knicks her out,

as yn falls to the ground unconcious,
Behind Phil,
Nick fury shows up,

Nick : think you can keep an eye on her phil?

Phil : i can,
But do you still believe that it is her sir?

Nick : only time will tell phil.

Daisy and may pick yn up and carry the young girl to a blacked out jet plane,
When everyone is onboard the plane vanishes in the sky as camflouging itself with the clear blue sky,

Daisy : how did she got there?

Phil : you heard her,
Reinhardt took her in,
As his own daughter naming her ilena,
According the director she is the youngest wintersoldier and inhuman alive,
Aparently to the intel,
Her mother died in captivity,
And she was born from the ashes of her,
like a phoenix almost.

May : isn't that the most unsettling thing we ever heard.

Daisy : imagine that she wouldn't been born what then?

Phil : then the woman howard stark knew as yn legona her powers would have been nullified after 70 years.

On the screen he pulls up a old photo of how yn legona looked like before she was captured by hydra,

(Jenna coleman as yn legona)

Daisy : wow what year was this?

Phill : this was in 1990 before she dissapeard.
At the starks residence.

May : this woman can't be 70 years old.

Phil : she was thanks to howard stark and peggy carter.
This was yn legona in 1943.

a old picture of yn legona sitting next to peggy carter and Howard stark as well as steve roger.
Pops up on the screen.

Diasy : they all look alike......
How is that possible?

Phil : stark had a geuss back in the 60's.
That whatever the object was,
Gave yn legona the possibility when she was about to die to change her body and face,
And now when i look at that young girl there,
She looks exactly two drops like yn legona.
I just can't pin point it out,
How yn and the girl arn't the same person.

As phil turns around he looks towards the girl laying inside the memory machine with her head,
The blue light enlights her eyes,

As in her mind she opens her eyes,

Ilena : where am i?

A woman comes straights towards her,

Yn : don't you recognise this face anymore?

Ilena : who are you?

Yn : i'm you're mum ilena.

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