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After a few weeks,
Daisy has joined the seven,
She's now being introduced on the late night show jimmy
As daisy yn Johnson

The host, Jimmy, greets Daisy warmly as she enters the stage.

Jimmy: Welcome, Daisy!
It's great to have you here on the show.

Daisy: Thank you, Jimmy.
It's a pleasure to be here.

Jimmy: So, Daisy, you're the newest member of the Seven.
How does it feel to be part of such an iconic superhero team?

Daisy: It's truly an honor.
The Seven has a long history of protecting the world,
and I'm proud to contribute to that legacy.

Jimmy: Absolutely.
And I hear you have some impressive abilities.
Care to share a bit about what you can do?

Daisy: Well, I have the power to manipulate vibrations,
which allows me to create seismic waves and control objects at a molecular level.
It's pretty cool, to be honest.

Jimmy: Wow, that sounds amazing!
So, what's next for Daisy yn Johnson and the Seven?

Daisy: We're always ready to tackle whatever challenges come our way and continue making the world a safer place.
And maybe a little bit of saving the day here and there.

Jimmy: Well, we'll be rooting for you!
Thanks for joining us, Daisy.

Daisy: Thank you, Jimmy.
It's been a pleasure.
Well i have to fill in big shoe's of skylar

Jimmy: You're definitely up for the challenge, Daisy.
We can't wait to see what you'll accomplish as part of the Seven.

Daisy: Thank you, Jimmy. I'll do my best to live up to the legacy.
But it won't be an easy one,

Jimmy: So, Daisy, how does it feel stepping into the shoes of Skylar Yn Parker,
a beloved member of the Seven?

Daisy: It's definitely a bit daunting,
but I'm honored to be given this opportunity. Skylar was an incredible hero,
and I hope to continue her legacy in my own way.

Jimmy: Well, we're all excited to see what you bring to the team.
Any hints about what we can expect from you?

Daisy: Oh, you know, just your typical hero stuff.
Saving the day, fighting the bad guys,
all that jazz.

Jimmy: Sounds like you're ready to dive right in!
Now, speaking of hero stuff,
have you had any memorable moments since joining the Seven?

Daisy: Oh, definitely!
Every day brings something new and exciting.
But I'd say one of the highlights was thwarting a bank robbery last week.
It was a team effort, of course,
but it felt great to make a difference.

Jimmy: That's awesome!
Well, Daisy, we're thrilled to have you here, and we'll be cheering you on as you continue your superhero journey.

Daisy: Thanks, Jimmy.
It's been a blast being here.

As Daisy leaves the show, she feels a mix of excitement and nerves about her newfound role in the Seven.
She knows she has big shoes to fill as Skylar Yn Parker,
but she's determined to prove herself and make a positive impact as Daisy Yn Johnson. Heading back to Vought Tower,
she prepares for her next mission,
ready to face whatever challenges come her way.

As a year passes,
Daisy Yn Johnson becomes more entrenched in her role within the Seven,
adapting to the expectations and demands of her new identity.
She grows accustomed to the fame and responsibility that comes with being a member of the most prominent superhero team in the world.
Yet, beneath the facade of loyalty and compliance,
a lingering sense of unease gnaws at her. Daisy can't shake the feeling that something isn't quite right,
that there are secrets lurking beneath the surface of Vought Tower and within the ranks of the Seven.
But for now, she plays her part,
concealing her doubts and focusing on her duties as a superhero.

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