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Olivia Taylor
the next morning, Olivia's dorm 

I lay awake thinking about the events of last night, and how captivating it was. The scenery, the warmth of our bodies colliding with one another. The way his lips were on my body, absolutely breathtaking. I turn my body to face him, trying to stretch. He pulls me closer to him, "Good morning, Livia" he says in almost a whisper, and I smile. "Good morning, Fredrick" I see a smile plaster across his face. His morning voice is absolutely handsome and so fitting, "I love that you're the only one who calls me Fredrick" He hugs me closer and he puts himself on top of me, crushing me! "Fredrick! You're crushing me!" I joke with him, he lifts himself. "I think I just like the image of you underneath me," he says, I raise my eyebrow. "I think you are something else, Fredrick" 

He leans down and kisses me softly, I lift myself a little bit into the kiss. "We better get ready to go," he says in between the soft kisses. He rolls over and up out of bed. I watch him as he walks over to my vanity and grabs a towel, "Do you want to join me?" Fredrick blurts, my eyes go wide, and then he smiles. "Only joking of course" I playfully roll my eyes. He walks into the bathroom and sighs with happiness, I wasn't going to say no but I think we are both nervous. 

I look over myself once more before we apparate to the Burrow. I grow nervous, I'm grateful that the Weasleys were kind enough to take me in after my family banned me and then my mother joined the Death Eater but I still am a stranger to them, even though I spent Thanksgiving with them. "Are you ready?" he asks me, breaking my thoughts. I smile, "Of course" I walk over to him grabbing my stuff and holding each other's hands. We apparate to the burrow. 


I let the dizziness wear off before I grab my things and head inside. "Olivia! Fred!" Mrs. Weasley says as he embraces the both of us. I hug her back, wishing and wanting this to be my mother. "How are you deary?" she asks me, "I'm great, how are you, Mrs. Weasley?" "Great! Now that all my children are here!" she says as she looks at Fred who is eating a piece of bread. "I'm sorry! We were tired after last night" he says, he winks at me and I blush. Only he and I know what we're talking about and that's what makes it exciting. "Well, that's alright. I'm sure you two had fun at the ball!" 

"Finally you guys are here!" Georgie says, "Aw, you missed me that much?" I ask him. "No! I just missed my two friends" "We just saw each other yesterday!" Fredrick exclaims, I laugh a little. "Why don't you two go upstairs and then we will have dinner when your father gets home,"  Mrs. Weasley says, Fredrick grabs my bag and I follow him upstairs into the room he and Georgie share. He sets our trunks down and then walks over to me. He places a hand on the side of my face, "What?" I ask him as I look into his curious eyes. "I'm just thankful that you are here. With me" He kisses me on the forehead. 


As the day went on, I couldn't help but think of Christmas with my family and how much I miss him. The three of us would gather around and exchange gifts with one another. I do remember when I received my first broomstick right before I started Hogwarts. It was the best broom of the season. I can't believe I'm not with them, I want to be with my family and the three of us be happy again, gathered in our living room with Fredrick on my side because they had already invited him at the beginning of the year. It's aboslutely crazy to look at how much has changed in the span of four months. I wanted nothing more than for everything to be okay, but alas, it's nothing but a mere christmas wish. 

I look out the window, me entranced in the thought of my parents and what could have been another happy christmas. I am happy with the Weasley family, don't get me wrong at all. I like them, and I'm slowly getting to know all of them over time. I know one thing is for certain though, I really feel like I could have a family here. And that is a mere, warm thought. 


Hi guys!! I really hope you enjoy the chapter :)

love, your author, 


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