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Olivia Taylor
A couple of days later, at the burrow

It's been delightful here at the burrow, the warmth and the love that fills the house are amazing and make you never want to leave. It's now Christmas Eve, and I plan to give Fredrick his gift tonight when we have a small date night in the shed by the side of the house. It's a workshed, but I think Fredrick set it up nicely. I can't wait! "Merry Christmas Eve," Fredrick says as he hugs me from behind, I lean into him and he kisses my cheek. "Can you imagine this being us in a couple of years, with our own little house, watching the snowfall?" he says softly in my ear, no one is awake yet and it's just the two of us. "You think about things like that?" I ask as I turn around, blushing. "I do, if it's only with you, my love," he says, I blush harder. He kisses me on the lips. 

"Good morning you two lovebirds," Ronald says, "Good morning to you too, grumpy," I tease him, "Bloody hell" Ronald mutters under his breath, "I think someone is just a little jealous they don't have a good love life," Ginny says as she fastly walks through the kitchen, "Is Harry going to be joining us at all this Christmas?" she asks Ronald, I raise my eyes in curiosity. I know that Ginny has had a crush on Harry for a while now. "Yes, he'll be here later today. He's at Hogwarts, and he never goes home on the break but he said he wanted a minute to himself I guess after the Yule Ball and just everything else after that" he responds to her, I smile at her as we make eye contact. 

She scurries off and Mr. and Mrs. Weasley come down the stairs, "Good morning dearies!" Mrs. Weasley says happily, I smile at her. "Do you need help with anything, Mrs. Weasley?" I ask her, "No, thank you though. I might need some help later though," she says, I smile shyly and then Fredrick and I go into the living room and sit on the couch. I sit down next to him and he wraps his arm around my shoulder and I drape a leg over his. I grab a book off the coffee table, it's my Herbology book but I wanted to get a head start on some of the chapters for the next semester. 


later that night 


I get out of the shower and get ready for my date with Fredrick. He told me to wear something warm but not too warm, whatever that meant. I change into a cardigan with a tank top underneath with jeans and boots. I look over myself once more and then head downstairs, I look around the living room and kitchen around for him. "He's out in the shed," Georgie says, "Thank you," I tell him. I walk out the side porch door and start to walk towards the shed door. "Fredrick?" I call out, I look to my right and there he stands. A blanket and some lights around the shed were dimly lit. I walk over towards him, "Merry Christmas" I smile up at him. "Merry Christmas," I say back to him, this is all I could ever want in life. 

We both sit down on the blanket, it is surprisingly comfy. "I got you something," I tell him, I grab the gift in plastic wrapping and give it to him. He opens it, and he smiles. It was a picture of him and me from our first year, and the top of the frame said, "Best friends forever" on it. "I got the frame way before we started dating, so just ignore that" I laugh it off, "I love it. I'm so sorry I didn't get you anything," he says with a sincere tone of voice, "This is enough. Being here with you, living with you, just all of it" He places his hand in mine, "I'll always want you" he says. The ambiance filled the air, and then it hit me, I do love him. 

Love is a strong feeling to feel for someone and I don't even think I want to tell him just yet. I'm more scared to tell him, that no one talks about that when it comes to a relationship with your best friend. You love them as a person, yes. Fredrick and Georgie have always been my best friends and I love them both dearly, but it seemed that shifted when I started dating Fredrick. I loved him as much as a heart could love. But alas, it's not time to tell him. 

Temporary Pleasure - Fredrick Gideon WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now