Smoke and release

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Ruby stared at her window with a cruel expression her eyes were devoid of emotions her eyes were filled with tears that were trying to break through those walls but nothing came out only dread.

Her face was filled a tired expression she was broken.

"Lord Izek wanted you to get some fresh air" the maid just barged in "why would you take advantage of our lord's kindness" she muttered.

Those were def to Ruby's ears she just followed her body...

Into the gardens...

Maybe she could disappear like everyone would have wanted.


"Now now isn't that rude to push away from someone who just saved your life?"

What just happened?

Ruby didn't know but this figure who was clearly not human he has foreign clothing and weird makeup but most of all he was extremely handsome.

"Now little girl run off and we'll forget that this ever happens" the man held out a fan which was weird because it's a female thing...

But... he doesn't have a scornful look on his face only amusement or he could be hiding his true motives...

"What little duckling?" He puffed out his nails decorated manicure he's probably rich or a foreign noble.

"Is there something on my face?" He asked "those maids should have made sure that this face should be flawless~" Ruby blushed no she must not!

The figure was already flawless!

Ruby held her composure "I am Rudbeckia de Borgia" she introduced herself "Names have power my dear" he took out a pipe igniting it puffing out the smoke.

"Call me by my nickname" he smoked his pipe "red fox if you will or just crimson would do" he smoked once again.

Ruby looked at the pipe out of curiosity "What that your smoking?" Crimson looked at her "It's just special herbs and dried up leaves to calm the nerves" he peaked to look at her reaction it was filled with some sort of desire "So it makes you numb for what exactly?" Crimson answered again "To relieve stress mostly" he puffed out smoke "Only available to the rich where the only thing keeping you alive are these drugs" he laughed.

"May I try?" Crimson smirked "M'lady are you sure I mean wouldn't your reputation be ruined?" Ruby shook her head Crimson just gave her his pipe wiping it for her "Now just slowly inhale the drugs like savoring it" he guided her.

Ruby took his instructions breathing in the drugs filling her mind slowing and numbing the pain she felt... wonderful.

"That's it woman I wasn't sure you eastern folks could even take those things you know being righteous and loving" the last sentence we're mocking.

"What doesn't get out doesn't get me in trouble" Ruby's head was up not bothering to look down.

Crimson looked at the clear waters or what was once clear waters now covered in fog ahead a moist season out of the blues.

Ruby saw Crimson looking out into the distance she smoked the pipe taking each sip in a bliss.

The two looked at each other one was silent the other was puffing the smoked pipe which would have burned down by now.

"Here if we're going to smoke the all night then have some of these" he refilled the pipe lighting it again the surrounding area became fog as if an invisible curtain is covering their interaction.


The sound of her name made Ruby froze she snapped her head towards Crimson but he was gone only his smoking pipe and the scattered herbs laid on the ground.

She got up cleaned the place and left hiding the long gorgeous pipe decorated for a noble.

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