Happy Birthday Fox

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It is that time of the year again. June 1st, Pride month and Ft. Foxys Birthday same thing but yeah.

Yenndo: "I will gladly stay"
Ballora: "No you aren't sweetie I was just giving them some motivation ☺️"
Yenndo: "oh-" he looks down disappointed

Everyone starts rushing to get ready while Foxy is sitting on his stage kicking his feet like a little girl waiting patiently for everyones slow asses.

Ft. Foxy in his head: *I get to see penguins today! OH AND JELLYFISH!!*
Ft. Freddy: "Ok- CB I get that the drive is a bit long but do we REALLY need this much food?!"
Mans was holding a whole bag full of sandwiches, crackers, waters and other useless shit.
Circus Baby: "Oh come on you know how Ennard and Bonnet are. All they want is food"
Bon Bon: "Speaking of Bonnet KEEP. HER. AWAY. FROM. ME"
Ft. Freddy: *pulls out knife* "Gladly 😁"

10 minutes later everyone is in the van. Yes they own a van. Mike is driving but he's not joining them on their trip because it's "Stupid" and "Not that exciting" just say you get no bitches Mike...

Mike: "ok.. Does Chica have her charger and headphones?"
Chica: "Yup!"
Mike: "Is Bonnet 10 Feet away from Bon Bon?"
Bon Bon: "She will be..."
Ft. Freddy glares at Bonnet basically threatening her
Bonnet: "☹️"
Mike: "Does Ennard have his Emotional Support spider?"
Ennard *holds up Spooder*: "Mhm!"
Mike: "Does Ft. Freddy and Yenndo have zero contact to weapons?"
Ft. Freddy and Yenndo sit quietly and look at each other.
Yenndo: "I wouldn't say zero contact.."
Ft. Freddy: "I mean.. I'm not holding any knives... Yet-"
Yenndo and Ft. Freddy: "Fine"
Mike: "Whatever... I don't get paid enough for your entertainment.."
Lolbit: "You don't get paid at all"
Everyone: "Yes"
Mike: "Foxy you good?"
Ft. Foxy: "Yup!"
Mike: "Ok no more yapping let's go"

After 40 minutes go by and they're finally at the aquarium. Everyone gets off and makes sure to grab all their things and to make sure Chica has a small portable charger so she doesn't annoy everyone about her phone being dead. And so everyone has peace and quiet.

Ballora and everyone gets off the van: "Happy Birthday my sweet adopted baby!" *She hugs Foxy*
Foxy hugging her back: "Thank you mother"
Ft. Freddy and Bon Bon: "Happy Birthday!"
Chica: "Happy birthday Shoplifting buddy"
Circus Baby: "Wait what- ANYWAYS HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"

Everyone says their happy birthdays expect for Yenndo. Nothing new everyone is used to it and they don't bother him about it. Maybe later he'll say it. Or not. Who knows. Mans has more lore then the FNaF games itself.

Mike: "Ok before you all leave, stick with a partner, don't run off, AND DON'T HURT ANYONE. I'm talking to you Freddy..."
Ft. Freddy: "I'll try my best"
Mike: "And watch the spider"
Ennard: "Don't worry he's in my hat"
Chica: "That's literally so gross"

Everyone follows Ballora and get their tickets up front. They start walking around looking at the fish and looking at the ones that you can touch. (I forgot what they're called you can't kill me for it)

Chica: "Yeaahhh I'll pass.."
Lolbit: "Hey chica..."
Chica: "ugh what now lolbit?"
Lolbit: "Check.. THIS THING OUT!" *Lolbit holds up a huge weird looking octopus*
Chica: "EW! LOLBIT!!"
Ft. Foxy: "Can we see the penguins later?"
Ennard looks at Ballora while smirking
Ballora: "Of course sweetie"

Ft. Foxy smiles at her and continues looking at Chica and Lolbit fighting.

Yenndo in his head: *I just want to be home..."
Ft. Freddy taps on Yenndos shoulder: "You ok?"
Yenndo: "uhh yeah sure..."
Ft. Freddy: "If you need a moment to walk away go for it"
Yenndo looks away
Ft. Freddy stares at him back waiting for a response

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2023 ⏰

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