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    Welcome one and all, short and tall, creatures of all kinds, and even those whose and whosenots to our one and only extravagant extravaganza! Beware of the wonders that may unfold before your very eyes for if you forget it is just a performance you might as well go entirely insane! Nevertheless, sit back and watch as magic unmerges, and stories unravel. Watch as the show begins to preform wonders within your very own imagination.


To whom it will concern,

Now you may find this a bit out of the ordinary from my previous letters but on the contrary, I am a man of many things, and the abnormal is one of my key elements. Which I know you find absolutely extraordinary.  Now then, enough about me let us continue on with our terms of agreement. You wish to acquire one of my most prized possessions in exchange I gain the rights of your little beasty. I am surprised of such a request, but I must say when I saw your creature, I just couldn't resist on having it in my grasps. So, I'll agree to your terms. However, I'd like 30% on whatever profit you make from my possession. If not, then I suppose we can end the conversation there and I can find some other abnormal creature to profit from. But if we've come to an agreement then we'll meet at the Docks after sunset. Don't keep me waiting.

Sincerely,  Blackwell ♠️

As you can see I am in a bit of a predicament. I wasn't supposed to get sold off. I was told if I behaved and played my role, I'll be able to have safety. However, you can see that it's a lie. Blackwell is well I guess you can say my "father" although he isn't much of a man himself. He's sort of portrayed himself as a father figure to the entire circus were in, and I don't mean that metaphorically because we are indeed a circus. We are the traveling Caravel.

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