the date with the ferris wheel

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As you and the fatty start to kiss he picks you up and carries you out the store. Someone called the police on him so he needs to run but he can't because then he'll break the ground.

As you two are half running you start to disappear in his belly button. It's very warm in there and you could stay there for days. There was enough left over water from showering which he rarely does.

When you reach to the place he's taking you he pulls you out of his bellybutton and he takes you to a waffle house. "I AM NOT BUILT LIKE A FERRIS WHEEL." he said. So meaningful.😍😍🤞 "You're so waifu" you tell him because he really is.

When you enter the waffle house he orders the whole fucking restaurant and you couldn't eat anything because he ate everything. Including the plates.

But even if there was enough for you to eat you couldn't because you were so mesmerized by his stunning fat belly.

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