the date pt2

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After you guys were finished eating and staring at his belly he took you to his house, it was very big but just big enough for him to fit in it. you walk into his livingroom and you see a hole in the floor. You ask the 1 by 1 lego piece about the hole and he says it's because he bellyflopped on it.

He said he wanted to order a light snack and so he made the entire MacDonalds come to his house. he Accidentally also are the workers but it's fine it was an accident.

he then invites you upstairs and you see the worlds largest bed and he sits on it with his knees crossed and pats for you to sit next to him. You do as he says and he leans in for a kiss. and my god he can kiss.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15 ⏰

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