chapter 1

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How did this happen?
Why did this happen?
How could I let this happen?
It's all my fault...

Hello my name is satomi misho and as of the time I've started writing this I'm 10 years old.

I'm going to be honest about my life in this journal so please be willing to hear me out.

I wasn't loved by my family because I looked different...I look absolutely nothing like anybody in my family not even my mother or father.

My mom was a blonde and she had brown eyes. My dad was a ginger and he had blue eyes.

My older twin sister was the favorite because she looked like a so called "angel" but all she really looked like was one of those y/n's from those cringe YouTube videos and Wattpad stories.

Anyways she had my mom's blonde hair and had my dad's blue eyes. From there point of view she was an angel from heaven while I was a demon from hell, a mistake to society because of the way I looked.

I had black hair and red eyes and as society saw that, they automatically thought I was a demon straight up from hell.

I was a sweet kid and I got good grades and I wanted to help people and maybe become a doctor or something to help people.

A lot of the time my parents where abusive to me because my sister would blame me for things I didn't do.

Of course since she the favorite nobody believed me when I told them I didn't do anything of course.

So to get my parents love I decided I would become somebody known like an idol or a famous person like an influencer an actor or something like that nobody that makes a lot of money because my father would be very disappointed in me if I made more money than him.

Well that's how Hinata Takahashi was a famous idol at 5 years old and already being famous.

Ever since that happened my father became more strict with me if I didn't do the dances or the singing right there would be more how should I put it.... Physical abuse...

Although here hit me a lot I still loved him as my father I would never hurt him scream at him hate him even if he hated me my mother loved me though or should I say she never paid attention to me she didn't bother caring she cared about me I guess gave me food gave me clothes she gave me more love than anyone.

Even if she didn't love me at all she needed me to be honest although she'd only tell me that I would get be getting fat or uglier gaining weight telling me I was a fat pig she never got physical or told me that he looks like it's demon and I should go back to hell.

That's how she left me she only told me I was getting fat or ugly and that made me happy cuz she loved me more than anyone had ever loved me before.

My sister she hated me the second worst she got physical sometimes so she could say that I had her now that I think about it it's kind of like one of those cringy 2018 budget videos like they hated child or something very cringy and that I look about it but it is what it is top 10 reasons why I hate myself I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm getting off topic now.

Anyways for any reason my sister has some sort of pride like one of those people in those 2018 gotcha videos and I hate a child series or some stuff like that great great sounds like I'm in one of those cringy relationships in one of those you're not my alpha 2018 videos okay okay I'm sorry I'm getting off topic again.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15 ⏰

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