001: #NeverForget

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Hallies POV

Hannahs locker was covered in letters and origami flowers that stuck on it with tape with a big picture of her in the middle. It's as if they wanted to mourn my sister. Nobody here really knew her or even tried. She was truly treated like a piece of gum stuck to your shoe. "Excuse me." Two girls appear next to me, staring blankly. "Yes?" I turn my gaze away from Hannahs locker and towards them. "Can we take a picture here real quick?" The girl on the left spoke. "Uh, sure?" I took a step back and let them do their thing. They took a selfie with my sisters picture in between them. "What was the hashtag again?" "#NeverForget" A scoff slid its way through my lips as they walked off. #NeverForget? What kind of cheesy, clout chasing hashtag was that?

Walking into class felt like walking on a stage with an audience waiting for you to enter. I wasn't someone who liked attention and I never will be. It's too awkward having people only look at you without some other distractions. Whispers fled through the classroom that were for sure about me or my sister because I could hear them. Not very good whisperers I guess. People passed phones around that had posts of my sister on them. Let me guess, #NeverForget.

I took a seat across from Clay Jensen. He talked to my sister sometimes before everything happened. But not enough to consider them anything more than acquaintances. He seemed to always be looking at her whenever I happened to glance at him though.

"Just so you guys know, there is always people you can talk to for help or support or anything like that. More information on topics like this are on the Liberty High homepage and outside the main office." Ms. Bradley spoke as everyone found their seats. "Ms. Bradley, is it possible we could be done with all this? I mean it's been over a week. Isn't it healthy to, like, move on?" Some kid in an ugly top hat spoke, furrowing his eyebrows. Everyone started talking besides me and Jensen. "Okay, everyone, thank you." Ms. Bradley said, trying to calm the room. "Seriously, I know, it's tragic, but I don't want to keep being reminded all the time. It's depressing." He lifted his hand and swatted it in the direction of the door. "We're never done with it, Mr. Pratters, which is why it's important to know the signs that someone you care for might need help." Ms. Bradley used her hands to express herself as she spoke.

"Nobody knew Hannahs signs." I mumbled. "Excuse me, Ms. Baker?" Ms. Bradley turned her attention towards me. "I'm just saying. I mean I didnt either, trust me, but atleast I knew she wasn't a big ray of sunshine that everyone thought she was." I felt an uneasy feeling in my stomach as I finished my sentence. "Well Ms. Baker, do you have signs that you want people to be aware of?" Ms. Bradley raised an eyebrow. I scoffed, picking up my backpack from beside my feet and standing up. "Class isn't over yet, Hallie." Ms. Bradley crossed her arms over one another. "It is for me." I smile as I head for the door. But before I push the door to leave, I turn to face Ms. Bradley. "Oh and, If you want to see one of my 'signs' so badly, heres one." I say, throwing my middle finger up at the women before shoving the door open and walking out.

The halls were empty and eerie besides a few slackers, but it was better than being in a classroom where they indirectly talked about my dead sister. My footsteps echoed throughout the halls as I stomped away from the classroom. I had ran out but didn't know what to do once I escaped. I felt a tear fall down my warm cheek with no warning. That's the first time a tear has fallen since I found Hannahs body in our bathroom. I feel nauseous at the image in my mind. So nauseous that I start sprinting for the bathroom.

Once I ran inside, I pushed myself into one of the stalls so hard that the door bangs into the walla beside it. I quickly grab my hair and throw up badly like I never have before. Luckily nobody was in there when I started, but when I had finished and was sitting on the stall floor with the door wide open, someone walked in. It was Jessica. She was good friends with Hannah until something happened with their friendship and they stopped talking. She was in her cheerleading uniform, hair in a high curly ponytail, stud earrings (because hoops weren't allowed during practice), and bright white shoes that would make your eyes hurt.

Jessica heads straight for the mirror where she then starts applying makeup onto her naturally beautiful face. "You don't need to wear that you know." I say, leaning my head against the stall door as I was still sitting on the floor. Jessica jumps. "Oh my god Hallie, you scared the shit out of me." Jessica laughs dryly. "Are you okay?" Her eyebrows nearly reach the top of her eyelid with the facial expression she was making. Maybe she actually gave a damn. "Fine. Thanks for asking though." I smiled with with my lips tucked in and stood up from my spot on the floor and flushed the toilet. "I don't know why your parents would make you come to school when it's only been a week since-" Jessica starts. "Please can we not talk about that right now? My parents don't make me come to school, I come on my own. Hannah wouldn't have wanted me to throw my life away for her, so i'm not going to." I grab my backpack from the floor and leave Jessica in the bathroom by herself.

As I roamed the ugly halls of Liberty High, I heard two male voices speaking around the corner. It was Justin Foley and Bryce Walker. Bryce was the biggest douche bag ever, but Justin was just a boy. Neither of them were men. I stood far away enough to stay out of sight but close enough to hear.

"Listen man, Jessicas just being difficult with you. Tell her she ain't got no right to boss you around like that." Bryce said. "She's acting like my name wasn't on Hannahs dumb tapes too. I was first for christ sake!" Justin sounded obviously irritated. Wait, Hannahs tapes? What tapes?

author speaks!
: this is just to kinda get things rolling here and get more in depth with Hallies mindset.
: but i had to think of some way to leave you guys on a cliffhanger;)

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