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AUTHORS NOTE : a lil mc romance <3. btw theres characters in this one.
tori : main character, girl, story is her point of view
nate : side character, boy, toris love interest
rue : side character, girl, toris friend
mav : side character, boy, nates friend


UNDERLINED : thinking, thoughts through speakers head, most of the story

ITALICIZED : speaking from any character

BOLD : authors note, random notes in the middle of story (i use these a lot LOL)


play the song above for an extra feel of being in the story


Its a peaceful, late, winter night. It is currently 12a and everyone is online. I had just got a snack and got on my PC. I put my headphones on and saw nate, rue, and mav on. I got super excited because no one has really been online every since school started but it was finally break. I changed into my hoodie, got some candy and got in my chair. I joined the game and call.

"OMG TORI HIII!" rue says while running to me in game.

"YOOO wats up tori" mav says while hes building a house.

"hey tor!" nate says while helping mav.

"what r u guys building??" i said.

"oh um im moving in with mav because we are gonna work on a project in the jungle" rue said

"what? but we always live in the same house? what about the house we built?" i said

"its okay! its only for a little bit. we are just searching for something."

"oh ok" i said

We all went mining and got some materials for rue and mavs adventure. We got them a spyglass, some wood, stone, beds, and materials for their house. I made them some torches for the nighttime and boats if they cross water.

The sunset and it was time for them to leave.

"alr see ya soon!" mav says while walking away with rue. rue and mav joined a different call.

I went to my house. My big cherry wood mansion that I built with rue. I walked over to our beds and went to sleep. Wow its kind of lonely here.

It was the next morning and I went to the farm to harvest the potatoes and wheat. I saw nate. I always had a thing for him but no one ever knew.

"Hey tor" he said while smiling.

I loved his nick name for me. 

"hey nate what r u gonna do today"

"um not sure do u maybe wanna build something with me?"

"yea sure what were you thinking"

"maybe a barn?"

"oo yes! we can put our horses in there"

"perfect let's get some materials"

We gathered some wood, stone, and glass. We started to terraform a hill and built our barn. While we were building we had some small talk.


"yes nate?"

"i have to tell you something about rue and mav"

"oh wats up"

"i think they may be gone for a while"

"oh why"

"don't tell rue but mav likes her a lot"

"no way because rue like mav a lot"

"NO WAY" mav said

"i know"

"i think we finished. wow you're really talented tori."

"you literally did all the work but thank you"

"i got you a little something" nate says while walking behind the barn

He pulls out a little piggy named "cuddles".

"here, rue said you liked pigs"

"yea i do. aw thank u so much you are so sweet."

I gave him a hug and we made eye contact for 10 seconds.

I looked away first and smiled.

"lets get some food" nate said.

We walked to his house. His house was a huge oak and spruce mansion/cabin. He opened the door for me and we went into his kitchen. He made us some baked potatos and water.

"hey do you just want to sleepover since its nighttime and you're gonna be lonely at home anyway?"

"yea sure"

I was screaming internally. We went to bed and I was blushing super hard. I can't wait for tomorrow.

AUTHORS NOTE : okay im sorry but i have to make another part but i hope you like it so far! goodnight and luv u waffles so much.

xoxo, owner 1


A/N : word count - 660

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2023 ⏰

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