6. ~Nothing but not good🌺~

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Ren: Good morning!  you wake up early?

Y/n: Yeah! Actually I don't really wake up early but I don't know why I just feel like to wake up early...*you though: Just because I want to get away from here..As I had came to know that I had entered the famous drama called F4 THAILAND...but I am quite happy anyways just getting to see bright,Dew,Win and Nani oh my God am i blushing..*

*As Ren noticed your blushing face he asked*

Ren: What happen? Are you feeling hot or something...

*You came out of you dreaming thoughts and said*

Y/n: Huh! Nothing just wanna go home..

Ren: Why are you so in rush to get out from my house or us! Are we that hot to you as I can see you are staring at Thyme and Kavin and Us from an min..

*Y/n was totally flashed up as Ren was noticing every behavior of you..*

Y/n: *as you tried to be normal and question him back* Why you want that as I even can see that you are see that you are looking at me..

Ren: As you quite look cute in this dress..I brought for you as it suit you..

Y/n: *Oh my god dew is complimenting me* Thx! By the way are you guys going to school?

Thyme: Yeah! And I think you will also go their?

Y/n: I am not feeling like to go school again *In your mind: What's then again I can't study I am sick of it ah I won't go... And as this a freaking drama which I had entered so no use to learn again... As I will be able to See tuntawan their so I think I should go*. I will go today..

MJ: May be I have a uniform that you can wear and we can drop you to school as we are also going...

Thyme: Why should we do so much to her we just met her yesterday?

Kavin: Chill! dude we are just helping her...*He looked at you as he smiles in a flitering way* Right y/n..

Thyme: Fine do what ever you want..

Y/n: Excuse me what do you mean by "do whatever you want"  am I  a toy here or what...

Ren: Chill he won't eat you up and you are not a toy and who said you are a toy?

Y/n: Whatever...*rolled eyes*

Thyme: Hey stop talking we are getting late for the school..

Kavin: See who is saying who never care about the class...

MJ: Don't you know the guy Phupha is getting a red card and I had already heck his phone as we got every information about him...

Ren: What Thyme I said it right don't start something again... Just delete whatever he send in the social media and be chill..

Thyme: Ren! Why you always interrupt in the game...We all have fun...ok let's go now..

Kavin: Fine.. Let's go now...

*As they all force me to go to school with them (except Thyme) so I am now going in Kevin's Car..As Ren was about to drop me school but He got a call from his Aira Hospital as he will come after doing the work...As about MJ he will come his the motorcycle as I am scared of it so I refuse to go with him and then Thyem he is not interested to take me in his car and last person who finally decide then I will go with him and I end up in his car*

F4 Thailand ❤️🦋 Thyme|or|Kavin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now