chapter 1 meeting an old friend again.

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Cherry was finally done with her, so called 'work' in her mother s office. Being part of this bloodline was no joke, she didn't want to spend her days helping her mother out with all the paperwork all day, She would get her older sister to help her out but she was busy with her own responsibility. Since she was done with the paperwork for now, she decided to sneak out and go to the mall.

She left a note on the desk, Justin Case her mother came back early from her meeting with the council. She put her sweater on and glasses as a disguise, hoping that someone doesn't recognize her. She then hopped on her broom and flew to the mall.

When cherry got to the mall, she hid her broom in a bush, and headed inside. She walked around and went to every shop, that she found cute or interesting. She walked out of the ice cream shop and stood by a fountain, she looks at the fountain and realized that it one of those fountains that Grant wishes.

She thinks maybe if she focuses hard enough, maybe her wish would come true. She just went to see an old friend again, to have that reconnected again or to experience there moment again. She misses him and wondering what he doing now. She knows her wish isn't goings to come true, so she continued walking around the mall, feeling sad deep down inside.
She finished her ice cream and headed to the escalator to do more shopping. Cherry thought shopping would cheer her up but she couldn't stop thinking about him, after all these years later she still couldn't't get him out of her mind. She almost wanted to cry just by thinking about him. "Cherry?" She turned around to see who was calling her and she couldn't believe her eyes. "Cooper?"

They look at each other as the escalator goes in the opposite direction from each other, her heart starts to beat fast As she arrived at the top and he arrived at the bottom. They both ran for each other, cherry wanted to feel his embrace for the longest time and now she has a chance. She reach the water fountain were she was a few minutes ago, and Cooper was running tore her as well, he had also missed her for the longest time as well. 14 years of being apart from each other due to there family but now they were adults, who could make there own choices.
Cherry jumped on Cooper and knocked him down into the water fountain, where they shared a passionate kiss.

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