The introduction. 1

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Hi, my name is Y/n L/n. I'm a 25 year old youtuber. About 5 months ago I moved to Los Angeles to help my career grow.


I woke up to my phone buzzing. I groan into my pillow. I grab my phone and see it's Tara calling, I pick up and say "Hello....?". "Hey Y/n/n, I was wondering if you wanted to go to this party tonight??," Tara said. "uhm yeah sure I guess... what time is it at and where?" I say. "Yay! well its at 8:30pm and I was wondering if I can come and get ready with you at your place around 7pm?!! can't wait! love you Y/n/n! Bye!!!" Tara says as she hangs up. 

I sigh and look at the time, its 3:46pm. Well I guess I better get up now... I think to myself. I get up from my bed and go into the bathroom, I get in a nice hot shower. after im done I do my normal routine, then I lay back on my bed and scroll on my phone for a couple hours. I check the time and it's already 7pm.

I hear knocking on my door. I go downstairs and it's Tara with a case full of makeup in one hand and the other a bag full of clothes. shes smiling at me and I chuckle. "you really don't need to help me i think ill just wear an oversize shirt and some jeans." I say, "WHAT?! Girl you need to look HOT. there are gonna be so much cute guys there. come on." I shriek as she grabs my arm and leads me to my room. 

Tara is one of my bestfriends. probably the first friend I made since I've moved to LA. I met her at a Starbucks one day, ever since we have been really great friends and she comes over a lot so i'm used to her just coming over randomly.

Once we get into my room she sits me on my bed and raids my closet. she throws things on the ground, she gasps and I raise my eyebrows with a confused look on my face. "O.M.G. YOU WOULD LOOK SO SEXY WITH THIS SHIRT!!!" she shrieks excitedly and throws it to me. Its a red laced halter, she then throws me my low rise jeans, I put it on and she says "oh my god you look so hot everyone is gonna be looking at you!" I smile at Tara.

About an hour later Tara is done with mine and her makeup, nothing to crazy, it looks like how she normally does it on herself but its more of a Smokey eye with winged eyeliner. I love it. I look really good. Its 8:04pm. Me and Tara leave and she drives us to a local mcdonalds close to my house, i'm confused at first but dont say anything, she gets out of the car and I do so, she walks up to a group of people. I stay behind observing. 

Tara hugs them all and I just stand 10 feet behind her. There were two girls, one girl, she had black hair, she was on the chubby side but very pretty. she was short. The other girl next to her had red hair, blue eyes, very pretty. Then there were four guys. One with brown hair and blue eyes. he had a lot of tattoos. the other had blonde with blue eyes, they both had really nice smiles. 

Then there was the other two guys, one was Jake I think, Tara's ex boyfriend, he's really funny. I've only talked to him three times but he was really nice. He had a mullet that was a brownish - black, he had a lot of tattoos also, then there was this other guy next to him. He seemed kind of awkward.

 He was really cute to be honest, he was pretty silent, he was wearing a MCR shirt with black skinny jeans and rings, he had some black eye shadow all over his eyes. I'm pretty sure that might be Jake's best friend but I don't know his name. I stare at him. I start zoning out. The faint sound of my name being called over and over, I dont really notice, until Tara snaps me out of my mesmerized trance by shaking my shoulder. 

I shake my head and look at her readjusting my eyesight, I gulp of embarrassment. "well anyways guys this is my bestfriend Y/n L/n" Tara says as she wraps her arm around my neck. I learn everyones names after having a conversation with everyone. The first girl is named Celina Myers, the second is Kris Collins. The guys are named, Colby Brock, Sam Golbach, Obviously Jake Webber, and then..... Johnnie Guilbert.

 I dont know, something about him is so amazing but I just cannot put my finger on it. as I talk with Tara and Jake I notice Johnnie taking quick glances at me but I act like I dont notice. Johnnie was about to say something but the party bus showed up and everyones jaw dropped.

We all got on, I sat in the corner, all the other spots quickly got taken so once Johnnie got on he looked around, then the spot next to me. I look at him and look down at the seat, I make room for him and he sits next to me. Everyone is drinking and dancing while I scroll on my phone, I glance over and see Johnnie doing the same. Tara falls on my lap making me lean into Johnnie, I apologize and he says its fine as he laughs. God even his voice is hot too.... We stare at each other for a minute. We look away once the bus driver says we are here.

 its 8:58pm. I clear my throat, and get up, we all start walk to the house. There is music blasting and people screaming, I can hear the pool water splashing from the front of the house. We soon enter.


Hey guys, It's the author here and I just want to say thank you so much for reading my book and I will try to post regularly if you guys like it. 1046 words! wow. Love you guys!

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