The Party. 2

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There is music blasting and people screaming, I can hear the pool water splashing from the front of the house. We soon enter.


Everyone steps into the house, me and Johnnie being the last ones. He holds the door open for me, once I step foot in the house I turn my head to him and mouth thank you, he then lightly smiles back. Everyone goes there separate ways, I follow Tara to the bar area. "Want a drink?" Tara says, I nod my head and she gets us some shots. We talk for a bit, she keeps getting drinks and I get kinda worried because I can see she's getting drunk but I keep my mouth shut.  She pulls me outside into the backyard making me drop my shot on the ground, "dance with meeee!" She whined. 

Tara started dancing by the pool, she grabbed my hands trying to spin me. I knew she was tipsy but she's straight up drunk now, at one point I start settling in and dancing with my drunk friend, as she spins me to the music a guy comes unexpectedly behind me causing me to bump into him.

5 seconds after I'm underwater, I hear faint gasping. I rise from under the water and watch as everyone stare at me in shock, I look around and see Colby, Sam, Jake, and Johnnie all standing in a circle jaw dropped. The guy tries apologizing and I say it's fine and I get out of the water embarrassed, I run to the bathroom and cry, "God damnit!! I embarrassed myself in front if everyone, even my new friends..." I say in my head, I hit myself and cry more. 

I grab my phone from my pocket and try to turn it on a couple times but it's not working. I get stressed out, I have a mental breakdown in the bathroom for about 20 minutes and quickly leave the bathroom once someone knocks on the door. I wait in a corner for a minute but then decide to leave the house. I start walking down the street drenched in water. It wasn't that far of a walk only 35 minutes.

 I get to my apartment and walk inside, I go and change into warm clothes and then get inside my car, I drive to the apple store to get my phone fixed. They told me its destroyed so they gave me a new one because of my insurance on it. I get back home and log back into everything. I scroll on Instagram and see that Tara posted on her story, its a picture of her, Johnnie, and Jake and I sigh wishing I could be there but I know I can never show my face again because that was so embarrassing. I put my phone down and slowly drifted off. Around 3am I get a loud notification Slowly waking me up. I grab my phone and see it's my imessage, that's weird, and unknown number... I open the message.

Unknown Number

UN: Hey is this Y/n?

uh yeah who is this?

UN: Oh uh its Jake, Tara gave me your number. Me and Johnnie wanted to know if you were okay because you left really early after what happened...

Oh uh yeah I'm fine I'm getting over it. Sorry if I embarrassed myself in front of you guys....

J: No No no! You were fine, people felt bad if anything, Tara wanted to say she was sorry, she was super drunk and didn't see him she said to me, she wanted to text you I guess but the messages weren't going through.

Oh, I mean it's fine and you can just tell her Ill talk to her later when she's up okay? And my phone got damaged so I had to get another one.

J: ohh okay well me and Tara wanted to know if you wanted to hang out at my place tomorrow?

Sure Jake, I'm gonna go back to sleep goodnight.

J: okay! Night y/n


I wake up to my alarm buzzing in my ear, I groan. I stretch and go and go to the bathroom, I then get ready to go to Jake's. I grab my car keys and phone and lock my door, I head to my car. I put on Fall out boy (sorry if you don't listen to them its just what was playing when writing this lmao). About 10 minutes later I get to Jake's, I get out if my car and knock on the door, I wait for about 30ish seconds until I heard yelling and quietly chuckle to myself. I zone out for a second but snap back when the the door opened, Johnnie was standing there with his hair flat and a middle part, he had makeup that looked like Tara's, he was wearing a black two piece. I think I've seen Tara wear that before. 

"Don't. Ask." He says, my lips start quivering, I try not to laugh but I can't hold it so I burst out laughing. After a minute of trying to regain myself I say, "you look really pretty Johnnie" I start laughing again and he sighs but chuckles, he lets me in and we go into the living room where Jake and Tara are, Tara comes running up to me and apologizing, I laugh at her and say its okay.

 A bit after we go outside to Take pictures of Johnnie holding sugar and a Starbucks cup in front of Tara's pink car, after taking pictures we go inside and sit back on the couch and just talk, Johnnie s in the bathroom taking his makeup off, about 5 minutes later he comes back with his normal clothes on and no makeup, damn he's kinda cute without makeup on. 

Johnnie and I made eye contact as he was walking back to the couch, I try to think nothing about it but I keep seeing him eye me every now and then when Jake and Tara were talking. He's probably just observing, i do that when I'm not talking in a conversation, plus we have only known each other for like a day.

 A couple hours go by and we are watching a random movie, Jake and Tara both are sleeping, I look over and see Johnnie is on his phone So I decide to do the same, about 10 minutes later Johnnie whispers my name asking if I want food and I say sure, we both get up and go in the kitchen. I stand behind him as he searches the fridge for food but I guess Jake hasn't went shopping because there isn't much to eat.

 Johnnie sighs and looks at me "we don't really have anything good to eat" he says, "oh we can go get something if you want?" I say, "oh yeah that would be great, let me get my shoes on" he says, he walks to his room and puts his boots on, we try to quietly leave the house but Jake makes a really loud scary animal like snore so we laugh and leave the house, he rolls on the grass for a minute and I slap my knee as we laugh. 

It takes a minute to regain ourselves, I'm literally snorting and Johnnie just laughs more as he gets up, once we calm down we get in my car and I tell him he can put any music he wants on, he puts MCR on and we bop out and just talk, once we get towards the food area I ask him what he's in the mood for and he says wings so we go to Wing stop, we order and eat in my car, Me and Johnnie just laugh and talk about random memories and laugh to where the car would shake from jumping up and down (not like that you freaks just from them laughing oh god).

 We just sat in the parking lot for two hours talking and laughing, we  bonded a lot over those two hours, it feels like we have been friends for a long time even though we have known each other for a day. It goes silent for a minute but Johnnie breaks by asking what my socials are, we exchange them and we exchange numbers also. He asked if I wanted to take a picture for his story and I say yes, we take some pictures. 

After a bit more of talking we both start getting tired, "do you wanna go back?" I say, he nods and yawns. About 20 minutes later I pull up back in his driveway, "I had a really good time today, we should hang out more often" I say, "yeah we should" he says while getting out of the car, all of a sudden he pulls out a 40 to pay me back for food, " I shake my head no and we argue about it for a bit until he says fine but he will pay me back next time, I laugh and smile at him as he walks to the door, he smiles back and waves. He goes inside and I back my car out of the driveway, I start driving back home smiling about the fact i got to hang out with him, he's a really nice guy. I get home and go straight to bed....


hey guys! If this randomly updated its because I didn't realize I published this chapter a couple days ago so I guess you guys saw the first half of the story lmaooo, anyways hope you guys enjoyed let me know what you want for the next chapter! love you guys

Word count: 1610

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