CHAPTER 1: A Sudden Turn of Events

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you know when your life is dreamy, amazing and just perfect—

"I'm mopping the ice cream off the floor, a kid threw up and someone left teeth in the top jar. What do you think?!" Sebastian said out of annoyance.

"You're lucky you're used to bad things. Would you rather be me? Having everything and losing it all?" I replied.

"Mind to tell me your story? how long is it gonna take?" he asked.

"Not that long. Well, it started 19 years ago. When I arrived in this world as a beautiful baby girl. " I answered.

"of course you came as a baby girl" Sebastian uttered.

"Can you just listen and let me finish?!" I responded, annoyed.

"With eyes as blue as the sky, my mother wrapped me up in a cashmere blanket which was the perfect shade of lavender. Interestingly, lavender is my favorite color. "I explained.

"That's not interesting." he said, "come on, get to the part where your life gets bad. And if you tell me you tripped on a cornflower and broke your lavender shoes."

"I really liked that one. Okay, okay. I swear you're gonna love my story." I said.

My dad was the owner of a Tech Startup.
Don't ask me what a startup is about, I have no idea. I tried finding out many times but it always goes like this:

me: daddy, can you tell me more about your company?

dad: Basically, we're using cutting edge algorithms to optimize data---

While my dad was saying that, I got distracted by a beautiful butterfly outside our garden.

dad: Our platform synergizes complex neural networks

But then again, I got distracted and noticed that my dad has wrinkles on his forehead. I should give him night cream for his birthday.

"uhm Olivia? Are you even listening?" dad asked.

"yes dad, guess what? your company was amazing" I answered. 

We lived on a huge mansion where Mom and I had closets as big as rooms, clothes and shoes for days.
My life was a whirlwind of glamorous parties, fancy vacations and global shopping sprees.

I went on a great private school, and had tons of friends who adored me.
But the cherry on top of my sweet life was my dad's friend's son, my boyfriend, Marcus.
I really had everything.

Then, it all went to he'll one day when I tripped on a  cronflower and broke the heel of my favorite lavender shoe.

I was meeting Marcus on the park.
My heel broke so I went there, barefoot.

By the time I reached our usual spot, I was in a foul mood.

But suddenly seeing the golden hour light hitting Marcus's perfect face, everything else melted away.

I could take all the ups and downs of life with Marcus by my side.

"I think we should break up, Liv" he said. "I've been accepted to a university across the country and I don't think we could make Long Distance Relationship work"

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